The Ainu settlers in Hokkaido are the last remnant of a prehistoric race.
Now, though, that last remnant of traditional retail regulation is cracking as well.
You could see the agony of it jolt his whole body and knock the last remnant of strength from his legs.
The hallway, now a neglected in-between room, is the last remnant of medieval times when the hall was the main (or only) room in the house.
It's not a remnant of some huge population that is dwindled in the last few hundred years for some reason.
This year is the last in which the magazine's cover still features a crown of laurels, the final remnant of the oak leaf border first introduced in 1910.
One theory was the "glacial bear" hypothesis that Kermodism represented a remnant adaptation from the last great ice age, which ended here 11, 000 years ago.
一种理论是“冰川熊”假说。 卡莫德现象反映了从11000年前结束的这个地区冰河时期残留下来的适应性改变。
It began the construction of 447 BC, after 9 years Temple cap, and another six years after the sculpture has been completed destroyed in the war in 1687, this last remaining remnant.
It began the construction of 447 BC, after 9 years Temple cap, and another six years after the sculpture has been completed destroyed in the war in 1687, this last remaining remnant.