The most popular version goes that Teressa's son Dominic and his friends came to the bar looking for a quick, late-night snack.
You'll wake up late in the night, wanting a snack to eat or some milk to drink.
Since this wasn't a meal, but rather like a late afernoon snack meant to stave off hunger, finger foods were the common fare.
That way they can still get a late-night snack at the 7-Eleven after the money-changers have closed.
This famous snack was created during the late qing Dynasty by a native of Wuqing County, who had the nickname "Doggie".
Eating too late: a light midnight snack may be fine, but a heavy meal too close to bedtime may leave you tossing and turning during the night.
Beer and fried chicken — this seemingly unorthodox combo has been the most sought after late-night snack recently in Yang Xiaoqian's dormitory on the campus of Central China Normal University.
Time is too late. Tonight, after went to bar we had mid-night snack. It's too late when we came back. It's 2 o'clock in the mid-night.
Cannot take food taken late at night, cannot snack, cannot have any drink, include coal tub to install fruit juice.
Don't eat a heavy meal late in the day. A light snack before bedtime, however, may help you sleep.
The buffet-style restaurant provides an upscale, yet casual, atmosphere to enjoy breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even a late night snack.
That way they can still get a late-night snack at the 7-eleven after the money-changers have closed.
Had ourselves a little late night snack, did we Ron Weasley: I can't stop thinking about her, Harry.
Had ourselves a little late night snack, did we Ron Weasley: I can't stop thinking about her, Harry.