If Marius had been Courfeyrac, that is to say, one of those men who laugh on every occasion in life, he would have burst with laughter when his gaze fell on the Jondrette woman.
The one on the left had dark eyes and a laugh on her lips, the wind in her hair.
It's all comedy: making one another laugh matters more than providing useful updates about ourselves, which is why entirely phony profiles were all the rage before the grown-ups signed in.
But it was one of their chief amusements to run away to the moors in the morning and remain there all day, and the after punishment grew a mere thing to laugh at.
When you tell a joke on a brightly lit stage in front of a crowd of people who have paid a bunch of money to laugh, and no one laughs, it can be horrifying.
Yes, make her laugh; in many surveys women list a man’ssense of humor as one of the topthings that are important to them.
Bless for you, for you laugh, because today, my heart also like you happy jubilation! I wish you good luck in one hundred! Both a lifetime!
In seeing the larger picture, one can begin to laugh at such a predicament rather than viewing it in an all-suffering and all-consuming manner.
No one can make me laugh like you, even when I'm knee deep in tears.
The aesthetic theory of western comedy includes two aspects: One is the psychological explanation of the laugh - making mechanism in comedy, the other is the theory summary of literature and art.
The minute you dare to share or even laugh at your own weakness in public, you are one step closer to being truly self-confident.
Let's bring in the laugh meter and see how loud it gets on that one.
Memories open eyes one eye closed one eye to laugh it off, stay in the imagination of the nasty-nice book yesterday.
I think I liked the idea of writing all this stuff and then one day in years to come, when I wasn't working there, look back and laugh at how awful it had all been.
One of the great discoveries in television and movies was the invention of the laugh track.
All these words share the meaning of "laugh", but they are different from one another in manner, volume, degree, mood, connotation, passion, and appeal.
If you don't, I'll just laugh at you when I Desert Twister your one Swamp , knowing you have a Skirge in your hand.
Maybe one day in the future, we will meet again, share some wonderful stories of SCIE and have a laugh.
Those who make one not know whether to laugh or cry, while these "the wise" receives the reality ridicule, in book that most laughable "fool" Ms. Bennet, finally actually by the proof is most correct.
If you don't complain, what is this? Let's bring in the 12 laugh meter and see how loud it gets on that one.
If you don't complain, what is this? Let's bring in the 12 laugh meter and see how loud it gets on that one.