The doctor's prognosis was that Laurence might walk within 12 months.
Laurence has just won a wager with his team over the number of Vodafone VIP members who bought tickets for concerts.
LAURENCE: How else would we watch Dancing With the Stars?
As Laurence explains, it's all about making the data work.
The data shows that different cultures are ‘asymmetric’, says Laurence.
Laurence Steinberg is a psychology professor at Temple University in Philadelphia.
Guy Laurence, CEO of Vodafone UK, knows a thing or two about information overload.
盖伊·劳伦斯(Guy Laurence)是沃达丰英国的CEO,对于信息过载他略知一二。
Our children's teachers thought that I was a single parent because they never met Laurence.
LAURENCE: You've got to keep it interesting in every way, because anything can become stale.
In 1969 he started Laurence Urdang Inc., a company with offices in Connecticut and Aylesbury, England.
LAUREN: I pushed Laurence to take a new job to join an international trading firm in Switzerland.
Laurence Evans, who oversaw the poll for Edelman, a consultancy, said it reflected “the age of sovereign risk”.
Laurence took over a company widely seen as stagnating in third place in the UK's competitive mobile market.
Bosses have enough on their plates without being told that they need to unleash their inner Laurence Oliviers.
LAURENCE: I worked really hard for 12 years, and because of that, I missed everything-the kids' birthdays, games, etc.
Mr Laurence said Mr Howard had not said anything to prompt the outburst and he continued the speech with "good grace".
Laurence Meyer of Macroeconomic Advisers, a consultancy, reckons America's output gap will reach 9% of GDP by next year.
The transition to private management was relatively seamless, explains Laurence Msall of Chicago's Civic Federation.
"John Howard said I am not racist and I'm going home on Tuesday," Mr Laurence told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
[Laurence was 23] Then I heard that one of my brother’s friends was going to ask her out, and I called her immediately.
Even when he's about to fly off with his family to live rough in the Masai Mara for a week, for Laurence, it's all about focus.
Laurence refuses to read reports from his product managers with more than five of the vital key performance indicators on them.
Shortly after their divorce was finalized in 1992, Anne remarried, wedding Timothy Laurence, then a commander in the royal navy.
"The data as they presented it is compelling," said psychologist Laurence Maloney of NYU, who wrote a commentary on the paper.
In 1956, at the height of her popularity, Monroe went to England to make a film, the Prince and the Showgirl, with Sir Laurence Olivier.
Bonhams specialist Laurence Fisher said: 'This is being sold by the late owner's family and is the oldest working TV set in Britain.
Laurence Olivier is to date the only actor to have won an Oscar for a Shakespearean performance, and it was the most difficult of all, Hamlet.
Laurence Olivier is to date the only actor to have won an Oscar for a Shakespearean performance, and it was the most difficult of all, Hamlet.