A kind of lead-dioxide electrode was prepared by plating lead dioxide on the surface of kryptol.
This would involve using sulphur or hydrogen sulphide aerosols so that sulphur dioxide would form clouds, which would, in turn, lead to global dimming.
If a conductive wire is run between the two, electrons released by the lead will run through it towards the lead dioxide, generating an electrical current as they do so.
That makes lead dioxide much more electronegative than classical theory would predict.
One of the electrodes is composed of metallic lead, the other of porous lead dioxide.
In the case of lead and lead dioxide, this potential difference is just over two volts per cell.
But this tendency is more than counterbalanced by an increase in the electronegativity of lead dioxide.
"People have imagined that if we stopped emitting carbon dioxide the climate would go back to normal in 100 years, 200 years; that's not true," lead author Susan Solomon told reporters.
人们一直认为如果停止排放二氧化碳世界气候将会在100 - 200年后恢复正常。“这种想法是不正确的”研究报告的主要作者苏珊·所罗门告诉记者。
Lead dioxide, on the other hand, is highly electronegative, preferring to absorb electrons in chemical reactions.
Nor is it merely that temperature mitigation of this sort does nothing to deal with rises in atmospheric carbon dioxide that would also lead to acidification of the oceans and loss of biodiversity.
The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lead to long-term changes in the climate system that will persist for millennia.
The team found that the electrons can be transferred from photo-excited lead selenide (PbSe) crystals to an adjacent electronic conductor made of titanium dioxide.
More carbon dioxide emissions lead to more CO2 dissolving in the oceans, which turns the water acidic.
Shanghai is one of the Chinese cities with the highest levels of CO2 emissions per capita and held the lead as the biggest carbon dioxide emitter between 2004 and 2007.
If directly in contact with a fan, this could lead to death from increase of carbon dioxide saturation concentration and decrease of oxygen concentration.
Becauseits gas will produce lots of carbon dioxide, which may enventually lead to air pollution.
A warmer pole means higher sea levels and a thaw in the arctic permafrost would lead to even more methane and carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere.
Lead into the ion measuring a sulfur dioxide fully to clarification in whitewash equation?
As bottom layer, Ta film can prolong the life of lead dioxide anode more than 40 times.
Of various inert materials available as anodes for the electrodeposition of lead dioxide, Pt and Au are the most suitable.
It was studied that the graphite-based lead dioxide anode which had been electrochemically activated was used to electrogenerate trivalent cobalt ion by means of coulometry at ambient temperature.
The various methods for the preparation of lead dioxide that have been proposed from time to time may be subdivided into chemical and electrolytic preparations.
A process of electrolytic synthesis of sodium perchlorate from sodium chlorate solution by lead dioxide anode based titanium metal is introduced.
The environmental protection consciousness of people is reduced, a large amount of carbon dioxide, lead to changes in global temperatures and climate;
Current density has no significant effect on the active oxygen content of the lead dioxide deposit.
Lead dioxide has been prepared chemically by methods in which Pb (II) compounds are oxidized to lead dioxide in the solution phase or in melts or by heating at elevated temperatures in oxygen.
A considerable amount of effort has been made into forcing lead dioxide to conform to exact stoichiometry.
相当多的努力一直被花费在强制性地把二氧化铅转变为化学计量意义上准确的Pb 2 O上。
A considerable amount of effort has been made into forcing lead dioxide to conform to exact stoichiometry.
相当多的努力一直被花费在强制性地把二氧化铅转变为化学计量意义上准确的Pb 2 O上。