Simultaneously, a loop circuit is formed by a lead line being connected with an outer connecting power and a warning unit and the warning is achieved.
When exogenous noise is applied to the ground wire of a thin film magnetic head, crosstalk noise occurs in a lead line and a ground lines located near the ground wire.
Should Rooney fail to make the starting line-up against Milan tomorrow night, United, who go into the game with a 3-2 aggregate lead, would be left with limited attacking options.
"Writing a book can definitely be a stressor that can lead to hair loss, or alopecia" says Orr Barak, MD, a dermatologist at Main Line Dermatology in Philadelphia.
They share a pigment used in hair dyes, which can lead to problems down the line.
The resolution of the spat may lead Mexico to take a tougher line in future disputes.
The researchers foundthat as long as the grounding line is on the outer rise of the sea bed, before the lip, small changes in climate lead to correspondingly smallchanges in the glacier's ice volume.
A line is an effective element of design because it can lead the viewer's eye.
In call-and-response, the lead vocalist sings a line, and waits for the other musicians, chorus, and/or audience to sing back.
A typical artwork change management scenario could be that the marketing lead initiates a change request in support of the development of a new line of ice cream.
When your portfolio is full of top-of-the-line work that follows best practices and web design standards, it will lead to better projects where clients care about the value of these things.
These outcomes lead to a healthier bottom line, a shinier brand, an increase in customers.
这些结果将产生一条更加健康的底线 一个更光鲜的品牌以及增加客户量。
The pressure can cause a slippage in a pre-existing fault line, aggravating the situation that can lead to an earthquake.
The bottom line: Excelling at this style of humor may lead to party invitations but can ultimately exact a high price.
The hope is that this line of research will lead to avenues for prevention and new approaches to treatment.
One of my protects is we can embed the Numbers in a very fine line. And it's very very difficult or confident to modify the lead or any other way to alter it.
000 in its total population of 230, 000 lead lives under poverty line and 27% of which are the absolute poor.
This line of thinking will then lead you to a module called perlmodule, which lets you embed a perl interpreter in Python.
Along the lines of a curses backend, anygui's project lead, Magnus Lie Hetland, has suggested a plain line-oriented fallback interface, maybe using readlines support.
按照curses后端的风格,anygui的项目负责人MagnusLie Hetland已经建议了纯面向行界面(似乎有点倒退),它可以使用readlines支持。
It is cloudy phenomenon because the air suspension with a lot of smoke, dust particles encountered water formed, make the line of sight fuzzy and lead to decreased visibility.
The Agile Team Lead (in Scrum the Scrum Master, or Iteration Manager) is the first line of issue resolution.
Due to mechanical cutting efficiency is high, the cutting workers to consider and calculation of optimization, which can lead to mechanical cutting line of steel waste is serious.
In addition to causing the welding line to break off, may also lead to other local damage near the welding line, such as sealing data.
Not following this line of reasoning can lead to the problem of users' initial impressions being out of sync with reality.
The paper presents the problems of joint production line for lead cathode, analyzes the reason, describes modification.
The paper presents the problems of joint production line for lead cathode, analyzes the reason, describes modification.