I thought how I could lean my head back to rest on her shoulder whenever I wanted.
Yet there are doubts whether people watching television, a "lean back" medium, crave interaction.
There are doubts whether people watching television, a "lean back" medium, crave interaction.
Lean on the ball as shown, keep the back flat or maintain its natural curve, with the legs straight.
Second, magnetic people seen in photographs and videos with objects on their body tend to lean back slightly, or stand more or less perpendicular to the ground.
Lean UX gets designers out of the deliverables business and back into the experience design business.
Tying this back to software, Shalloway's message is that Lean provides both practices and principles, and that teams will be more effective if they understand and apply both.
While grasping, lean back, keeping your spine in alignment, until you feel a slight stretch.
Themonitorshould be roughly at eye level so you can lean back in a chair with back support.
You lean back in your chair and get to thinking: What could give the fishing reports forum broader exposure?
If you work at home, then take fifteen minutes before you leave your desk to lean back in your chair and breathe.
Users just lean back and enjoy the show; they get everything explained to them step by step, without having to click, search for descriptions or learn the navigation.
Jack sat at the opposite side of the table from Walsh, but he didn't lean back. He didn't relax.
When they'd show the working code to Jobs, he'd lean forward, his nose to the screen, and examine them closely, moving from the demo to the prototype and back again.
Your thoughts come through in your body language; if you’re confident, you stand tall or lean back.
The hot-spot adjustments: Either lean back, resting your hands on the bed behind you, or lean forward with your hands above his head.
What won't be, though, is the chance to lean back and remember why we care enough about our country to SPAR over these things and in the end, remain united.
Your body should be straight up in the water; don't lean forward much or hunch over. Keep your shoulders back and look straight ahead.
Lean back, and then throw your head and body forward when you spit, allowing both the air and the water to force your seed forward through the tunnel of your tongue.
Lean against the back and stretch your legs out. Cross your ankles so that your left (if male) or right (if female) ankle overlaps your other ankle.
Management is lean. Classes are disciplined, not least because teachers can threaten to send troublemakers back to the public schools they escaped from.
Lean the upper torso back slightly, against the shoulder blades, and continue to lengthen the tailbone into the floor.
I wanted to lean my head back into his old lap and let him pour his eloquent curses into my ears forever.
Your best bet is a slice of lean back bacon with the rind and fat cut off, rather than fatty streaky bacon.
If you want to show that you're confident in yourself and relaxed lean back a bit.
Lean back with your hands behind your head while seated, giving a feeling of boredom or superiority.
As only the Windows in the doors can be opened, Ron could not lean out of the window from the back seat, nor could Harry wind a window down.
Plant your feet, lean back slightly, and swing the ball down and up… side to side.
Plant your feet, lean back slightly, and swing the ball down and up… side to side.