The sudden movement of the cupboard door made it sway slightly and it gave me the impression that it was about to leap out at me.
I'm not in any position to comment on the quality or quantity of ore at the Tonkolili project, but from the perspective of global cheap money, two things leap out at me about this deal.
They leap to their feet, clench fists and let out long screams, clawing at the ground and air.
But if you can creatively bridge the gap — for example, by pointing out that in both scenarios, you're selling a long-term investment — you'll have a shot at making the leap.
The following day at feeding time, they overpower their keeper, leap out of the cage, and run into the park outside the zoo.
At the same instant Buck peered out where the spruce-bough lodge had been and saw what made his hair leap straight up on his neck and shoulders.
Before they leap out the door at the end of the school day, readers will realize that these dinosaurs are helpful, tidy, and protective, "growling at the bullies till the bullying ends."
Before they leap out the door at the end of the school day, readers will realize that these dinosaurs are helpful, tidy, and protective, "growling at the bullies till the bullying ends."