One result of his research is known as the total time hypothesis, which simply means the amount you learn depends on the time you spend trying to learn it.
Some good comments on this one have been lost as a result of server crash a while back, but the thoughts in it are foundational to my view of learning here at Mission to learn.
We've never tried this before and it's absolutely essential that we learn to think this way if globalization is to result in anything more than the survival of the most connected.
Once a certain number of users have solved the suspicious word with the same result, it becomes a control word itself and the OCR software can learn this word.
Learn to appreciate the process of waiting and the result that you get in the end.
This result gives scientists a chance to learn what happens when some of the largest objects in the universe go at each other in a cosmic free-for-all.
You'll learn, for example, how hurricanes are the result of complex but comprehensible forces that can be mapped, studied, and understood.
So I just be mother to the school began to learn English training, the result can't think of a learning school for four semesters.
Motivation to learn the language may be as much as a result of success as a cause.
Therefore, we should learn some administrative method from the current behavior, improve the situation, master the rules of college administration so as to have efficient result.
From the ten year's history, we can learn much, just as Engels says: the great nation as the great class can learn much faster from whatever rather than from the result of mistakes.
They have used an approach called functional MRI to monitor activity in the brain as stroke patients re-learn motor skills that were lost as a result of their illness.
As a result, developers have to learn the detailed definition of these structures by using various kinds of debugs, which is very complicated and mistake-leading.
Purpose: to control result and learn the methods by which the result effect can be maintained under the condition that variation reduces, transfer of project ownership.
From the result we can learn that any studies on every strong influential point in the model of regression sliding ought not to be neglected.
It is the optimal option for improving the teaching effect to carry out the teaching method of case analyzing, as a result, it enhances the interest of students to learn legal course.
The software make the learning of new GB easy. Users will get twice the result with half the effort, as he can learn in the meantime of drawing.
Just rise junior high school of the first quiz, I have to learn it, carefully and seriously to tried, but I didn't get the excellent result.
As a result, they make new friends and learn about the cultures and history of different countries.
Consider the content of popular prime-time television shows. What are the patterns of behaviour that people may learn as a result of watching prime-time television?
Identify the adverbial clauses of cause, result, purpose, time, concession. Learn to use the adverbial clauses to express their ideas correctly.
Methods: to 104 gongs bone near carry the treatment method of the bone fracture patient to proceed with the result the covariance learn the analysis.
The result suggests that the English exponents of the semantic primes are frequently used lexical units by native English speakers and are easy for foreign languages to learn.
Students will be able to Identify the adverbial clauses of cause, result, purpose, time, concession. Learn to use the adverbial clauses to express their ideas correctly.
Chapter 5 in order to learn about the performance of the untouched electrode receiver, the experiment model in the lab is designed, the result of the test is given out. The realization is proved.
Chapter 5 in order to learn about the performance of the untouched electrode receiver, the experiment model in the lab is designed, the result of the test is given out. The realization is proved.