Can't they think of the glory that it'll be when we really learn to fly?
The chick must learn to fly first. When it is four months old, the parents leave it.
We were a bunch of Americans with nothing in common, except we wanted to learn to fly.
我们是一群特立独行的美国人, ,大家的共同目标是当一名飞行员。
"I want to learn to fly like that," Jonathan said and a strange light glowed in his eyes.
The tortoise and the eagle of the tortoise is the reptiles, but want to learn to fly, the results were dashed.
"I want to learn to fly like that," Jonathan said and a strange light glowed in his eyes. "Tell me what to do."
Its actually illegal to own a Cessna-152 and just go learn to fly. Ultra-lights and Powered Hang Gliders are Ok.
“Well sure, O.K. they’re Outcast, ” said some of the younger gulls, “but hey, man, where did they learn to fly like that?”
Although my future future, but I still in 6 months after resignation left the company, to join the marines to learn to fly.
We said that the birds fly, as long as they learn to fly, you can fly, why do we teach people how, we will not fly their own?
The kite felt matchless happiness, with the sight of the blue sky, the scenery on the ground, and the girl who let it learn to fly.
Every bird is offended many times to climb up, just learn to fly, and we are also experienced how many difficult to learn the strong.
Fortunately, although it has not been due to pay it, but he was still on the road...... and I, a Benniao, but also to learn to fly first.
If you want to learn to fly an airplane, you take lessons from an experienced pilot - not someone who just read a book on aviation, right?
Pilots who train with this system can learn to fly blindfolded or to carry out complex maneuvers, such as holding the helicopter in a stationary hover.
Where it is inhospitable for man, the chicks soon batch and quickly learn to fly and prepare themselves for their supreme test, their first migration. Soon the summer will be over.
We urgently need to make their alternatives visible; we need to learn from them, and emulate their courage, because they have shown us something very simple: when we jump, we fly.
They will also use simulators to learn how to dock with the ISS and how to fly the new lunar lander, Altair, down to the moon's surface.
The Siena African children learn to transform the negative aspects of their dreams in a pleasant sensation. For example, instead of falling, we fly!
Learn how to make 12 great designs for the world's best paper planes and make them fly faster and longer.
In other words, they don't want you to learn and they don't want your spark to be able to fly through.
I had a great career ahead of me, yet I resigned5 after six months with the company and joined the Marine Corps to learn how to fly.
In Part 1, you'll learn how to create Dojo markup on the fly with minimal coding effort using a generic markup handler.
在第1部分中,学习如何使用通用的markup处理程序方便地创建DOJO markup。
Fletcher Lynd Seagull, do you want to fly so much that you will forgive the Flock, and learn, and go back to them one day and work to help them know?
To accomplish this, you need to create a sense of the utility and merit of each of your moves, and then learn how to recognize the right time for their use on the fly.
To accomplish this, you need to create a sense of the utility and merit of each of your moves, and then learn how to recognize the right time for their use on the fly.