What left-brain MBA students need to be taught is the value of an intuitive, holistic approach. In other words, right-brain thinking and marketing sense.
We used to think that the left brain controlled your thinking and that the right brain controlled your heart.
Mind mapping is designed to use both sides of your brain-mind mapping involves your right and left brain thinking.
Mind mapping is designed to use both sides of your brain-mind mapping involves your right and left brain thinking.
The different way Morris said about thinking mode, the difference between management and marketing, is actually the difference between the left brain thinking type and the right brain thinking type.
He should not only have a high abstract thinking ability but also have the high images thinking ability, with which is the superior function owned respectively by the left and right brain of human.
Remember mind mapping is designed to get you thinking from both your left and right brain. The doodles keep the creative mind active while the analytical handles the notes.
Remember mind mapping is designed to get you thinking from both your left and right brain. The doodles keep the creative mind active while the analytical handles the notes.