Too often, people with disabilities are left out of a social group because of their disability but not because of their inability.
When taking a class in college, the author realized that a lot of information about Asian Americans was left out of the textbooks he studied.
One feature the team purposely left out of the editor for now is an in-page chat.
But working out how to do that is difficult, which is why deforestation got left out of Kyoto.
Turn left out of Southdale's car park and the first building you pass is another shopping mall.
If it had been left out of Listing 7, only the rotate transformation would have been performed.
Father and son had a strained relationship and the elder Jackson was left out of his son's will.
The problem: I feel if I don't go along with their ideas or plans that I'll be left out of things.
Ultimately, this leads to diminished access, and some students are left out of the system entirely.
So 45 percent of all households get left out of most debates about the costs and benefits of caring.
My takeaway was that my hobbies should be left out of business functions unless the guest asks first.
Unfortunately the slightly rotund but prodigiously-talented Ronaldinho has been left out of the squad.
The world cannot afford to have corners of it which are marginalized and left out of global prosperity.
Now that you've seen this relationship, you're ready to examine the sections left out of the EJB DD above.
既然您已经知道了这个关系,那么可以研究上面的EJBDD 中没有讨论过的节。
Don't mistake the model for the real thing, be aware that things are left out of the model: surprise ahead.
The state pays the difference (at least notionally: some universities complain that they are left out of pocket).
A few months later the trio bickered again over the request by kaka and Ronaldinho to be left out of the Copa America.
What I left out of Listing 2 was the parent code, which shows how to handle such tasks. You can use code like Listing 3!
Auditing clouds and conformance levels was left out of scope in this document but would be useful to investigate further.
Second, citizens are far more satisfied by the results when they are consulted than when they are left out of the process.
If children can imagine how it feels to be left out of a game or to lose a pet, they are better able to help those in need.
But they have their downsides too, especially when the startup products are shut down and team members are left out of the deal.
Nobody wants to feel left out of things - it's natural to want to be liked and feel as if you're part of a group of friends.
One feature that is deliberately left out of datatypes is the ability to implement methods that are not defined in any protocol.
Tools in this space should help companies visualize their IT assets so that no resources are left out of consideration for the cloud.
Probably due to time constraints and the fact that the feature wasn't a release driver, the capabilities were left out of the release.
Probably due to time constraints and the fact that the feature wasn't a release driver, the capabilities were left out of the release.