Israel has an obligation "to freeze all settlement activity," he added, but he avoided questions about the 1979 legal opinion.
以色列有责任“冻结全部的定居点行动”Ian Kelly补充道,但他依旧回避关于79年那份法律意见的问题。
We provided legal feasibility research and legal advice as well as issue legal opinion for the above construction projects.
The matter has been gone into by the family. They are opposed to the Countess's idea; but she is firm, and insists on a legal opinion.
If the issuer issues ordinary corporate bonds, it can be exempted from providing a securities firm evaluation report and legal opinion.
Although he cannot offer a mental diagnosis or legal opinion in the Powers' case, he can discuss the motivations of parents who kill and what we know about them.
A legal opinion by Bundestag experts argues that help for Greece might be allowed by European treaties if the crisis can be blamed on outside forces, like speculators or the global recession.
Should Party A request, Party B shall provide Party A with written legal opinion and letter with matters regarding contracts, legal documents, legal problems and legal affairs of Party A.
There will probably be months of legal tussling, and it is not at all clear which side will prevail in court, nor in the battle for public opinion and legislative favor.
There will probably be months of legal confrontation, and it is not at all clear which side will prevail in court, nor in the battle for public opinion and legislative favor.
An employer has to overcome some legal hurdles, such as determining if the statements were meant as opinion or fact.
That is probably a shrewd legal strategy, but it is unlikely to help Mr Murdoch much in the court of British public opinion.
In legal cases, it's important to remember that a judge is writing up his or her opinion.
As the case heads toward appeals at the circuit level and probably the Supreme Court, judge Walker's opinion will provide a firm legal foundation that will be difficult for appellate judges to assail.
The mass media shall improve propaganda on the safeguarding of consumers' legal rights and interests and shall use public opinion to control acts harmful to consumers' legal rights and interests.
Opinion of jurisprudential scholar provide by legal experts through participating in argumentation of cases on invitation of the court.
In their opinion, wedding was not sacrament, and the marital affairs were actually a legal matter instead of the business of church.
At the same time, through the network supervision of public opinion and the judicature are just gambling, the spirit of consultation judicature just pours into the legal movement process.
Television turns the entire process into a kind of legal reality TV, where popularity and emotion become the main arbiters of opinion.
In accordance with our internal rules, we must obtain the opinion of our Legal Department before we answer.
In the author's opinion, communicative translation is feasible in legal translation and it can be embodied as the following two approaches: dynamic and interpretative approaches.
In this paper, the author analyses these special legislations and special foreign cases and custom and sets forth the opinion that animal can only be object of legal relations or object of protection.
"The legal situation is clear in my opinion, " Caspar told Wednesday's Hamburger Abendblatt.
The article also says that we must make full use of the present legal regulation on public opinion supervision and effectively conduct lawful public opinion supervision.
According to Roscoe Pound's opinion, there is a general thinking pedigree among the legal philosophies and legal ideals in human history.
This article expresses the author's opinion on the constitution requisites and charging of liabilities of the"disregard of legal person'personality", according to the new Corporation Law.
Publish the opinion of application about related legal liability.
In Kaufmann's opinion, tolerance is not only the essential prerequisite to acquire truth, but is the key to solve some legal philosophy problems, what's more, tolerance is our fate and virtue.
In Kaufmann's opinion, tolerance is not only the essential prerequisite to acquire truth, but is the key to solve some legal philosophy problems, what's more, tolerance is our fate and virtue.