I appreciate someone who knows when it is time to let kids struggle a little because that's real life and Mom (or Dad) won't always be there to give help.
Gratitude for life each have, can let me happiness consists in contentment. People with gratitude, even looking at the night sky, there will be a kind of touched.
Willyou let me believe, when I recall this day, that the last confidenceof my life was reposed in your pure and innocent breast, and that itlies there alone, and will be shared by no one?
Don't let any one situation get you down, there will always be problems in life, always.
As long as there is value, life will be meaningful, humble life often also can make people admire, and let people moved.
This let me imperceptible remembered before when life in the south, there must be a neighbor asked you want to help.
There are those do-or-die moments in life, when you've got a great opportunity and you don't want to blow it, when you whisper to yourself, OK, don't let this be the time I mess up.
Send one of you, and let him fetch your brother, and ye shall be kept in prison, that your words may be proved, whether there be any truth in you: or else by the life of Pharaoh surely ye are spies.
If there is next life, I will be waiting for you and won't let you wait for me.
If there is next life, I will be waiting for you and won't let you wait for me.