He also loves and respects works by Stefan Zweig, notably Letter from an Unknown Woman.
The thesis will use psychoanalytic theories to analysize the features and functions of the female gaze in The Piano, The Tango Lesson and Letter From an Unknown Woman.
茨威格·斯蒂芬创作的《一个陌生女人的来信》并不是如一般论者所指出的观照表现激情的力量 ,并给这些富有牺牲精神的女性以关怀和悲悯。
The thesis will use psychoanalytic theories to analysize the features and functions of the female gaze in The Piano, The Tango Lesson and Letter From an Unknown Woman.
茨威格·斯蒂芬创作的《一个陌生女人的来信》并不是如一般论者所指出的观照表现激情的力量 ,并给这些富有牺牲精神的女性以关怀和悲悯。