The lexicographer knew that the English lexis was changing.
Here the lexicographer has to be his own linguist and have recourse to the linguistic analysis of the language.
"When a man is tired of London he is tired of life," said the great English poet, critic and lexicographer DR Samuel Johnson in 1777.
"When a man is tired of London he is tired of life," said the great English poet, critic and lexicographer Dr Samuel Johnson in 1777.
Life is not long, and too much of it must not pass in idle deliberation how it shall be spent — Samuel Johnson, British lexicographer.
生命短暂,不要花太多时间去考虑怎样度过这一辈子- - -萨缪尔·约翰逊,英国字典编纂家。
Samuel Johnson, English writer and lexicographer (1709-84), was once taken to task by a woman for recording "improper" words in his dictionary.
英国作家、辞典编纂家约翰逊(1709- 84)曾经遭一个女人责难,说他的辞典收录了些“不正经”字。
Laurence Urdang, a prolific lexicographer who had a hand in more than 100 dictionaries and other reference books, died on Thursday in Branford, Conn. He was 81 and lived in Old Lyme, Conn.
Laurence Urdang, a prolific lexicographer who had a hand in more than 100 dictionaries and other reference books, died on Thursday in Branford, Conn. He was 81 and lived in Old Lyme, Conn.