CANON XXIII. -lf any one saith, that a man once justified can sin no more, nor lose grace, and that therefore he that falls and sins was never truly justified;
典章廿三 谁若说:人一旦成了义人,不能再犯罪,也不能失落恩宠,故凡跌倒而至于犯罪的人,从来就没有真的成了义人;
You have a fight with your girlfriend? lf your girlfriend doesn't call you, you need to call her first. lf a mountain w…not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go'to the mountain.
你和女朋友吵架啦?如果你女朋友不打电话给你,你就要先打给她。 你要山不转自转。
Then Blondeau gazes at me, with the gentleness of a tiger, and says to me: `lf you are Pontmercy, you are not Laigle.
In the case of a bad login, we added a querystring parameter of "lf." we also added some custom code (that's what those JSP ICONS indicate) to handle this.
Study Design. A clinicopathologic study of synovial cysts in the ligamentum flavum (LF) in patients with spinal stenosis.
Adhere to the technical-oriented and investment in talent, with a laige number lf senior professional and technical personnel and professional management team.
Yes. you are supposed to pay it on time. lf you don't furnish a tender bond on time. your tender will not be considered.
如果你们没有按时交纳,那么你们的投标将不被考虑在内。 除此之外,你们也应该提供货物的详细设计。 !
A new method of separation and purification of lactoferrin (LF), its radioimmunoassay (LF-RIA), and application in the diagnosis of lung cancer are reported.
报道了乳铁蛋白(LF)的一种新的分离、纯化方法,LF的放射免疫测定(LF -RIA)及其在临床肺癌诊断上的应用。
This paper gives a common explanation lf farmer's financial demand and rural finance supply in Western China based on a survey on two villages in West Area.
It is difficult to establish a simple model which the mathematic or mechanical method can be used in the selection lf mining method, due to many influence and constraint factors.
A new kind of high effective liquid fertilizer (LF) was extracted form animal residues by acid hydrolysis.
Adhering to the concept lf high quality and good service, we are creating a new generation of brand product-Keying Machinery.
Life is like water, lf it's put into different kinds of bottles, it will take on different forms. As a person, you have to obey certain regulations and rules, otherwise, you'll lose yourself.
If, however, you were holding an open air garden party or a fete it would be equally possible to insure you se lf in the event of bad weather.
Hair (trichome) an outgrowth from a plant epidermal cell. Plant hairs may take a wide variety lf forms, often characteristic of particular species or genera.
You tell him to send in the dakadak. Because l stole a GPS, that's how. lf you shut up and listen, l could give the coordinates.
On top of that, a transformer enables the discontinuity of grounds, which helps to keep RF and LF noise as low as possible.
The Lexus LF-A concept features an engine capable of developing more than 500 horsepower from a displacement of less than five liters.
To adjust finely the composition of molten steel by combining LF finery with fast analysis of composition, the composition control in a limited scope can be realized.
OBJECTIVE to prepare a novel brain targeting system, lactoferrin conjugated self-assembled polymer vesicles (Lf-PVs), which the brain delivery property had been evaluated in vivo.
Conclusions Relative changes in LF/HF ratio of FHR variability in relation to a significant ST-event are more pronounced in fetuses born with metabolic acidosis.
结论:S T改变相关的胎心率低高频比值变异能更好的反应新生儿代谢性酸中毒。
You may not have started out life in the best lf circumstances. But if you can find a mission in life worth working for and believe in yourself, nothing can stop you from achieving success.
The concepts of a net of LF sets and its convergence in an LF topological space are introduced, their properties are systematically studied, and more interesting results are obtained.
A two-component indepth profile modifying agent, LF-1, is prepared for plugging high permeable channellings in further bore zones of high pressure water injection Wells in Huqing, Zhongyuan.
为了封堵中原胡庆油田高压注水井远井地带的高渗层,研制了双液法堵剂LF 1。
This article refers to the development of a new colored stretch product by use of colored cotton, white cotton and LF fibre blended yarn.
This article refers to the development of a new colored stretch product by use of colored cotton, white cotton and LF fibre blended yam.
Life is like a boat which is sailing in a big sea, lf it doesn't sail along, the arranged direction, it won't get to other side of the sea, if it meets a windstorm, it may sink.
Fitted with a range of input connectors and a Half-Space lf filter, the DS5A is capable of integrating into nearly any studio environment.
The result shows that this process has shorter fermentation time and higher effciency. lf the plum vinegar mixed with other ingredents, a series of healthy vinegar drinking can be produced.
This article gives a brief introduction of the design features of the mini-mill type process routine integrating EAF-LF-CCM of the EAF steelmaking shop of Guiyang Special steel Co. Ltd.