The intellectual freedom has synthesis and exercise control in the concept expression of the library core value, and develops the significance of other core values.
The paper has discussed the library core value, and carried out theoretic research on library core value from library research significance, research origins, research contents, research outlook, et.
The core value of library is the essence of library cause, determines the nature and direction of the library cause.
This paper thinks the value of library service from three aspects: the content, the current circumstances and the core position of the value of library service.
Library, supported by its core value, social position, essential attribute and basic functions, is of permanent existence value against the challenge of information technology in age.
Based on such analyses, it goes on to expound elements of core value of library services and the significance of realizing such value.
The library should take the service performance as the standard, pursuing the outstanding service, showing its maximum core value.
Intellectual freedom is the generally recognized core value in the international library circles and should be the core value of the Chinese library profession.
Intellectual freedom is the generally recognized core value in the international library circles and should be the core value of the Chinese library profession.