The county-level library is a key point of the public library service system covering the entire society.
Absrtact: in the deluge of information in digital books, accurately and quickly find the books meet their needs is a digital library service system needs to solve the main problem.
Therefore, the current library service system and capacity needs redesigning and restructuring oriented to readers' demands, to meet readers of different groups, levels and specialities.
The mixed mode of urban library service system includes central-branch library and alliance mode. Because central-branch library and alliance are different, we should adopt different tactics to them.
It serves as an interlibrary loan system, a discovery service for library patrons, and more recently as a platform for the automation of internal library operations.
The digital library information service modes are the combination of the digital library information service system essential factors.
The paper is about the necessity of setting up a new system of service in the library under the new social circumstance and the influence of its contents on the library.
The system of subject librarian is a new working mode and service system in hospital library.
This paper describes the significances of non-benefit service and knowledge aid of public library, and puts forward how to improve its service system and social functions.
Booklist database is the basis for the library to achieve automatic management, while the database is the core of the whole document service system.
From constructing teaching reference book information management and service system of library, the article proves the significance and probability of library's developing this system.
Therefore, Academic Virtual Service Reference System as the network extension of teaching and research work of university library also plays a very important role.
The subject librarian system is the key factor for the university library to develop information consultancy service.
Library service remedy is an important part of the system of library service, which is of great significance to the realization of the function of library.
So establishing a set of complete and systematic library service policy and system to guild the service work in libraries is of great practical significance.
A theory pattern of e-book service is established for the digital library based on DRM technologies of e-book exchange (EBX) system.
The technologies of information network have also made the network station easy to success in the field of electronic library. Book information system and other commercial service.
Academic Virtual Reference Service System is a rising digital library operation.
The personalized active service system is discussed in Digital Library(DL).
The article develops library quality system which consists of website quality, information quality, service quality, effectiveness, and user satisfaction, and designs quality measures.
Special service method of the electronic reading room, changed the library system, the service mode of the library, changed the reader's reading habit at the same time.
This paper analyzes library service resources, service content and the object of service to construct a service statistic index system.
The individualized services of digital library are the key part in the service system of a digital library and it is also the necessary of the reality and the current trend in a digital library.
The system will conform the service and automatic systems of NLC, and construct a modern library information network service platform.
Reference librarian system is improve ability of library reference service and important measure that train librarian become knowledge navigation and consultation expert.
It points out that the service pattern of the traditional library should be changed and a new information service system should be constructed.
The article starts from the integrated special library service and its features, discusses the implementing system and structure and the principle and methods of the patten.
Meanwhile, by using relevant achievements made by researches from at home and abroad, the paper makes a series of opinions regarding how to establish library service policy and system.
Meanwhile, by using relevant achievements made by researches from at home and abroad, the paper makes a series of opinions regarding how to establish library service policy and system.