In such places, shifting hourly from one language and scene to another was an indispensable life-skill.
In the pediatricians' view, essentially every life skill that's valued in adults can be built up with play.
Which is not the life skill for students according to the passage?
Being a good team player is an important skill in life.
It's a skill which is useful to them in future life.
Positive thinking. While critical thinking is an important skill, it’s also important to have a positive outlook on life.
Fast and effective learning is a skill for life and I could talk about it for days.
That is a crucial life skill, because no one wants to be married to or work with someone who is a selfish git.
Speed reading is an excellent skill that can be used in your workplace, your home life, as well as your personal hobbies.
For a skill so essential to success that affects every area of your life (from dating, to family, to work) it's amazing how little people know about this.
Goal setting is one of the most important skills that a person can learn, and the earlier this skill is learned, the more chances there are for successful outcomes in a person's life.
Therefore, the life skill you need most is not the mastery of specific technologies, but mastery of the technium as a whole -- how technology in general works.
And then, when you've mastered that skill, think of the negative things in your life... and give thanks for them.
Acquisitions, a way of life in the drug business, are also a challenge: knowing what to buy and when is a skill that Samsung has never developed.
And then, when you've mastered that skill, think of the negative things in your life... and give thanks for them. That person who was mean to you?
Windows grew to become the only operating system many people ever used, and the ability to use Microsoft Office is seen as an essential skill for working life in many parts of the world.
This is called "critical thinking", and it is the most important thinking skill you need for your life. This also means you need to become tolerant and supportive of others.
For me, learning the skill of creating a new habit has been empowering and life-changing.
If you're good at designing or recruiting or drawing or organizing, it is a safe assumption that God's plan for your life includes that skill somehow.
Being able to function well with people from all walks of life is a skill that will take you far in your career and possibly social life as well.
It blends with skill to produce a game that is "much like life, full of incomplete information and second-guessing," says Mr Lederer.
This is the skill set that will help you accomplish most everything you want in life and make you “better” than your peers.
Mottoes are words sensed only by those who have rich experience of life, exactly like the art which can't reach the peak of perfection without skill.
Learn new skills. Take up a new hobby or sport. You have a new life ahead; a new skill will complement it.
Children will learn that cooperation is a basic life skill that helps us work successfully in groups and interact harmoniously with others.
Kim?s Note】 This is a very important phrase and skill in American life. Every time you go to a meeting or a conference in America you will need this ability.
这是一个非常重要的短语,也是美国社会生活中 非常重要的技能。在美国无论是参加会议或是会谈,你都需要这个技能。
Your ex deserves it, and dealing with negative situations is a life skill that you will need as you go through life.
There are occasions in everyone's life, social and business, when the skill of using appropriate volume and force needs to be practiced.
Life skill education among adolescents with high risk behaviors should more focus on training material development and peer educator training.
Life skill education among adolescents with high risk behaviors should more focus on training material development and peer educator training.