Without the elevator, they point out, there could be no downtown skyscrapers or tall buildings, and city life as we know it would be impossible.
We are at a thrilling time in history, and life as we know it is about to change.
Any 'Earth' found in such a zone would be a potential habitat for life as we know it.
They also theorized that the city couldn't possibly be inhabited by life as we know it.
So much has to fall into place for the conditions for life as we know it to be possible.
The discovery raises the chances of finding planets that could support life as we know it.
Proteins are long strings of amino acids, which are the building blocks of life as we know it.
Such complexity just might be the reason why life as we know it sprang forth in a wet environment.
Such a big planet with a rocky core and a fluffy gaseous envelope probably can't support life as we know it.
In other words, some parts of the food chain would collapse, and life as we know it would change dramatically.
Phosphorus is one of six chemical elements that have long been thought to be essential for all Life As We Know It.
But that doesn't mean that life as we know it can't exist, it's just composed of matter governed by different laws.
All evidence from Cassini indicates Rhea is too cold and devoid of the liquid water necessary for life as we know it.
It appears to be rather hot and surrounded by a thick atmosphere, which makes it inhospitable for life as we know it on Earth.
Hook: an MIT astrophysics student discovers a planet that was previously hidden behind the sun - and it may contain life as we know it.
The planet appears to be rather hot and surrounded by a thick atmosphere, which makes it inhospitable for life as we know it on Earth.
Reed Richards: Not only could you kill yourself but you could set fire to the Earths atmosphere and destroy all human life as we know it.
If we can find it in artificial cells, we will be transported back to the onset of Darwinian evolution and the origins of life as we know it.
One of the guiding tenets in the search for life as we know it (the only kind we can meaningfully speculate about) is that it requires water.
"There are going to be some major changes and it's going to change life as we know it," he added referring to the changing role of women in Asia.
More than 400 exoplanets have been discovered by astronomers but most are gas giants like Jupiter that would be inhospitable to life as we know it.
Knowing the make-up of a planet's atmosphere allows scientists to determine whether life as we know it could conceivably exist on the alien world.
Europa is covered in a shell of water ice that's thought to hide an ocean of liquid water below. Liquid water is a key ingredient for life as we know it.
And the expert quoted NASA sources as saying that the city is definitely Heaven "because life as we know it couldn't possibly exist in icy, airless space."
Davies suggested that the only way to prove an organism wasn't "life as we know it" was if it were built using exotic elements which no other form of life had.
Davies suggested that the only way to prove an organism wasn't "life as we know it" was if it were built using exotic elements which no other form of life had.