Life works upon a compensating balance, and the happiness we gain in one direction we lose in another.
At any point in the life cycle, the precision of the subordinate artifacts should be in balance with this understanding, at compatible levels of detail and reasonably traceable to each other.
The interesting thing is that the system that allowed me to optimize my effectiveness at work also created a tremendous amount of balance in all other areas of my life.
When you put away the PDA during dinner or a work vacation, you're teaching an important lesson about good manners -- in addition to modeling work-life balance.
The projects his department has been overseeing aspire to improve the general quality of street life and, in a few cases, tip the balance in neglected corners of the city.
My idea of having my life in balance is being able to do all the things I enjoy with the people I love.
Today the world constantly tries to throw you out of balance and sometimes no matter what you do you still feel like your life is going in the wrong direction (I know I feel this way sometimes.)
Share what life balance is for you in the comments below (if you feel comfortable with it of course.)
Thank you for introducing yourself and sharing your struggles with life balance in the comments (if you haven't introduced yourself yet you can do that here.)
What I teach in the Healthy Eating Handbook is how to achieve this balance, and maintain it for life.
Benjamin: On the subject of work-life balance, how do you keep those two in somewhat balance?
But when we can keep two forces in balance, then we will have the perfect attitude with which to approach life.
Life balance is my focus on the most important things in my life and not being afraid to let go of less important tasks, projects and people.
Some might say that this balance of 10% life circumstances to 40% everyday activities means that to be happy, long-term plans and goals should be ignored in favour of the here and now.
Keep decluttering your life until you feel completely comfortable with the results and until you feel simply in balance inside and out.
The goal in fighting the childhood obesity epidemic is to achieve an energy balance which can be maintained throughout the individual's life-span.
Given that we're going to die, this fact seeps back in and poisons the nature of life or perhaps poisons the nature of the whole, life followed by death, so that on balance the whole thing's negative.
"It's a question of work-life balance," Kitamura said in a telephone interview. "This is not something that the individual can tackle alone.
Dads, this is your number one responsibility as a father.You need to help your children get to know God because eternity hangs in the balance: life or death, heaven or hell.
Dads, this is your number one responsibility as a father. You need to help your children get to know God because eternity hangs in the balance: life or death, heaven or hell.
With an exceptional balance of protein and amino acids, quinoa, they declared, is virtually unrivaled in the plant or animal kingdom for its life-sustaining nutrients.
Lacking knowledge regarding the significance of ecological balance, businessmen sent out ships that insatiably chased fishes and thus posed a severe threat to all life in the sea.
The shaping of this delicate balance begins early in life: the children who were best at leaving their marshmallow on the plate tended to come from stable, organised homes.
Having this experience for the first time gave me a set of fresh eyes on the situation and I paid attention to ways I could make sure that my life and my work still stayed in balance.
If you truly are too tired all the time, then maybe it's time to get some balance in your life.
I do not believe in that type of balance. I do not know any single person that lives a truly balanced life (in the sense I've just described).
The gardens help employees achieve a semblance of work-life balance. They can offset the "go, go, work, work" ethic with a "get outside in the sunshine" and dig in the earth approach, Goodwin says.
Even with all the effort you put in at work, you could find that the universe decides to balance your life for you, and puts an end to that job that was taking so much time.
It’s the emotional balance sheet we keep that allows us to say honestly whether we’re living a happy life, in spite of bad things now and then.
It’s the emotional balance sheet we keep that allows us to say honestly whether we’re living a happy life, in spite of bad things now and then.