A tall girl, with light hair and rosy face, was leaning on Heidi, whose dark eyes sparkled with keen delight.
When they had parted at last, the uncle looked after them with his face shining as with an inward light.
Ever and anon the light from his cigar gave a touch of colour to his face.
In everyone's life there are moments in which you face the choice between dark and light.
It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory; it was your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face, for you loved them.
So, in extraordinary times, our extraordinary capacity to see light in darkness, hope in despair, is mobilizing us to join together to face fear with resolve, and anger with grace.
"There shouldn't be light behind you, because it will darken your face," Rosenthal says.
He fills us with the light of the Holy Spirit, so we’re able to see God’s face, Jesus, with greater clarity even as he transforms us into the likeness of Christ.
The use of artificial light was well executed, as is evident by the specular highlights of the paint on the face to give it that extra shiny look.
That is where it must be sought. One must follow and understand this fatal game that leads from lucidity in the face of existence to flight from light.
The light still remaining in the sky lit up her face, though the landscape was nearly dark.
She covered his body with the bedclothes. She clicked off the light that shone in his face.
It is not enough to retrieve your grandmother's face; a memory must identify it when you see her profile in a wholly different light and from a different Angle.
The waiter's face, tanned to a dark brown and deeply wrinkled, reminded Suchen of a walnut shell, yet his eyes, even in the dim light, glimmered with alertness, like the eyes of a mountain lion.
At the moment when jean Valjean paused in front of the bed, this cloud parted, as though on purpose, and a ray of light, traversing the long window, suddenly illuminated the Bishop's pale face.
Many are asking, 'Who can show us any good?' Let the light of your face shine upon us, o Lord.
Aunt Judith was the sort of woman who always looked vaguely flustered; she had a thin,mild face and light flyaway hair pushed back untidily.
Massage the light into your face, your eyes, your ears, your whole body and think "light, light."..
If you shine a bright light in your face before bed you're telling your body it's time to perk up and be alert.
But, as B.K.S. Iyengar says in his section on Sirsasana in Light on Yoga (Schocken, 1995), "The best way to overcome fear is to face with equanimity the situation of which one is afraid."
If you are able to look beyond someone's pain, anger, fear and self-destructive behavior, and see the angel of light in their face, you offer them something very precious.
I can feel the light on my face, hear the wind in the leaves, smell the fragrance of the flowers - then I just press the shutter.
When light hits you from above, it creates shadows on your face, particularly under the eyes.
The "MultiAccount" card has two buttons on its face, each with an indicator light that can be pressed to record data to its magnetic strip.
A beam of rose-colored light from a pane in the chancel window fell across his face, but he did not seem to see it.
I openmy eyes and he bends down and kisses the little cigarette burn scar, and in thedim night light I touch his face.
The light touched to russet the rings of dark hair escaping from her braids, and made her pale face paler.
The first suspect was described as white, about 30, with a slim build, dark hair with a well-combed side parting, light stubble on his face and between 5ft 10 and 6ft tall.
The first suspect was described as white, about 30, with a slim build, dark hair with a well-combed side parting, light stubble on his face and between 5ft 10 and 6ft tall.