Once again confirmed the installation of lighting condition.
The lighting condition of living quarters also limited the range of choice in floor board color.
After eight weeks in their lighting condition, the animals were tested for depression-like behaviors.
The camera provides 128x dynamic range for superior image reproduction in virtually any lighting condition.
Scrim is a very light fabric textile. It is both opaque and transparent depending on the lighting condition it is placed.
I also set the Rebuild setting to Off, because the lighting condition is not changing from now on and we can therefore re-use existing Final Gather points.
The experimental results show the approach presented in this paper can be applied to many different types of stairs and is not sensitive to lighting condition.
We present an algorithm of color image understanding which segments the image after analyzing sur-faces with color variations due to lighting condition and object colors.
本文给出一个彩色图象理解算法。 算法首先对图象上的颜色变化(由光照和物体颜色引起)进行分析与综合,然后分割图象。
It is believed that the fabric texture, drape, luster and wrinkle, the environment as well as the lighting condition are the major factors which affect the fabric appearance.
The techniques of young silkworm rearing with artificial diet, from the method of newly hatched larvae collection to shape of diet and lighting condition, were studied in this report.
The experimental results demonstrate that the algorithm can further improve the multi-pose face detection accuracy and is highly robust to lighting condition, facial expression and occlusion.
The combination of these two solutions, create an unevenly lit space, with a more "theatrical" and strong lighting for the display of the items and a more relaxing condition in the middle.
The main house which the owner had lived had a bad condition for lighting and the humidity was high, it needed a light all day and a heater until beginning of summer.
Therefore, studies on the mesopic vision condition through the reaction time of the road lighting have been the front research topic.
Set emergency lighting for urgency control and people evacuation in urgent condition, whose power is supplied by EPS.
Aiming at the current situation of lighting system's low energy saving efficiency and high energy consumption, the intelligent lighting system would improve this condition.
From the viewpoint of control theory, the artificial lighting control strategy was given indirectly under the condition of a given constant illuminance and it could realize the lighting energy saving.
It has realized not only all the functions of FAS, but also the concerted running on correlative equipment such as air condition unit, living pump, lighting and so on.
J. Upon completion of the installation, the lighting fixtures and lighting equipment shall be in first class operating order and free from defects in condition and finish.
The design goal of intelligent building is to achieve automation of building integrated management, communication and office, which makes power, lighting and air-condition operate efficiently.
Repairing and maintenance of common area electricity supply system, lighting, filter of air-condition and ventilation system.
Repairing and maintenance of common area electricity supply system, lighting, filter of air-condition and ventilation system.