Like a good dream recall, was once the dream occurred, it has been left lying on yesterday, as the memory of the over every household just like the childhood dream of the past.
She can remember that day clearly, as if it was yesterday it was etched inside her mind like a tattoo.
"I remember it like it was yesterday," said Upper East side resident Ruth Bendik, 69, referring to Oct. 24, 1982, when her wallet was snatched as she watched the New York City Marathon.
Tweeting yesterday afternoon, the 'Closer' star said: "a true MJ fan understands that positivity was his aim as well as perfection in his art. If you like the album, go get it. Never said not to."
Tweeting yesterday afternoon, the 'Closer' star said: "a true MJ fan understands that positivity was his aim as well as perfection in his art. If you like the album, go get it. Never said not to."