They are limbless and often depicted as cobra-like in movement.
Snakes are limbless, cold-blooded, and scaly reptiles belonging to the order of Squamata.
Still others suggest the short or sometimes nonexistent legs of the 800 species of skinks are clues to where limbless snakes originated.
A lizard of the genus amphisbaena; harmless wormlike limbless lizard of warm or tropical regions having concealed eyes and ears and a short blunt tail.
The question is, if you understand how the position in the health changes in the coming time, you ask yourself one question? Would any man will be limbless, or legless?
As it turned out, the drug (better known by its generic name, thalidomide) would cause thousands of children in Europe to be born limbless or wi flipperlike arms and legs.
The armless and legless woman floating on the surface of the pool, whether the reflection of the nondisabled woman or her twin rendered limbless by immersion in water, faces the beholder.
Little did they or anyone know that this beautiful limbless baby would one day be someone who would inspire and motivate people from all walks of life, touching lives all over the world.
Little did they or anyone know that this beautiful limbless baby would one day be someone who would inspire and motivate people from all walks of life, touching lives all over the world.