It point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.
It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.
What's the point in producing an engine that is big and powerful enough to go like 200 kilometers an hour when the speed limit is only 100?
At some point, there has to be a limit on how much land can be used for sugar cane production—certainly if you want to preserve natural habitats and native wildlife.
What's the point in producing an engine that's big and powerful enough to go like 200 kilometers an hour when the speed limit is only 100?
As any processor has a fixed set of registers, there is a limit to the number of variables that can be kept in registers at any one point in the program.
The more a customer uses the product, the more value she derives, the higher the switching costs are, and at some point she’ll hit a usage limit and convert to a paying customer.
From a scalability point of view it's interesting to limit the size of the server side cache.
The point of a pull system is to use a kanban board to limit work-in-progress by pulling from the previous phase of your value stream when necessary.
The point of the OPA was not to limit tort law but to supplement it.
So du/dT isn't going to be zero in the high temperature limit, in this case. But it stops changing at some point.
Again limit the number of words on each bullet point so that you can speak more naturally by expanding on what is actually on each slide.
Again, limit the number of words on each bullet point so that you can speak more naturally by expanding on what is actually on each slide.
While the upper limit for incandescent lamps is 52 lumens per watt, that is the theoretical luminosity of tungsten at its melting point.
I have heard the message and understood the point, but until now, have not been able to consistently limit the amount of time I spend with my email. That changes now.
And then, when you keep adding force — which we will do by gravity, - we will just hang weights on it — then it starts to bend over, up to a point here which we call the elastic limit.
The point here is that privatizing Medicare does nothing, in itself, to limit health-care costs.
Silicon can obviously improve the elastic limit, yield point and tensile strength of steel.
Scientists should answer requests for information-to a point. There's a limit to the amount and kind-such as original samples-of data that scientists can provide.
The point is to limit night work to social or technical reasons . . . [not] just for reasons of profitability.
沃格尔(Laurent Vogel)表示:“关键是从社会或技术的角度减少夜班……而不仅仅是从盈利角度考虑。”
This would mean the limit of servlet end point is not several hundred connections. Instead it is much higher, possibly beyond 15k connections.
这意味着Servlet端点已经不再局限于几百个线程了,相反,线程数可以更多,甚至15 K个连接以上。
One sample found levels of iodine-131 to be as high as 7.5 million times the legal limit at one point on Tuesday.
Base player party size limit raised from 10 to 20. Increase per Leadership point raised from 6 to 7. Increase per Charisma point raised from 2 to 3.
初始玩家队伍限制从10升到20 。每一级领导提升队伍数量6改为7 。 每一级魅力提升队伍数量2改为3 。
It is desirable to have the die "bottom out" or strike the paper at the point where the stretch of the material comes close to reaching it's maximum limit without cracking or tearing.
However, current commercial GIS software are short of special spatial point pattern analysis module which limit the use of point pattern analysis.
Based on the measurement process and learning of measuring error, a novel method evaluate the static characteristics of the nonlinear transducer by using the limit point.
You may rest assured that shipment will be effected within the time limit stipulated in the contract. But there is also one point I'd like to stress.
Must point out that the Chinese-foreign joint venture is one kind of supplementary reciprocal benefit cooperation. Joint capital both sides may maximum limit display the respective superiority.
Must point out that the Chinese-foreign joint venture is one kind of supplementary reciprocal benefit cooperation. Joint capital both sides may maximum limit display the respective superiority.