Obviously no one expects that women will stop dressing up in heels altogether, but if you limit the amount of wear time and the heel's height you're, um, taking a step in the right direction.
There was no limit for you for must wear the hair and pants. But the most important is the shirt must be the same.
Some of the women choose to wear pinhole glasses to limit the UV rays getting to their eyes and causing permanent damage.
When the wear of the carbon brush reaches to the limit, the wear limit alarm device can timely remind the user of replacing the carbon brush, so the non-normal damage of the machine is avoided.
Motor upper and lower guide bearing wear limit, to replace the bearings, rotor shaft eccentric wear limit, to replace bushings;
However, its low hardness and poor wear resistance, as well as a tendency to corroding under the halide ion environment, limit its applications.
All women, in all cases, know that they should wear a unique dress, take it to the limit, embroidered or simple, but spectacular.
All women, in all cases, know that they should wear a unique dress, take it to the limit, embroidered or simple, but spectacular.