In order to obtain the 2-D projection data, a longitudinal traveling workbench controlled by computer is set up to realize line by line scan.
The different information is implemented to clear and steadily display by using of time-shared display with line by line scan ning and interlaced scanning in a raster picture.
Traditional scan-line Polygon-Filling Algorithm can only deal with horizontal scan-lines and can only fill a polygon line by line.
When a potential of the scan line is switched by the scan line driver circuit, the scan line auxiliary circuit operates so that the scan line is driven from its opposite ends.
Considering that the Instantaneous Field of View (IFOV) of infrared seeker is small, a line-by-line directional spiral scan was proposed.
Considering that the Instantaneous Field of View (IFOV) of infrared seeker is small, a line-by-line directional spiral scan was proposed.