Only a compiler reads, translation and executed in source program line program.
There is a nice and simple command line program called uname that will tell us exactly that.
You can also use the ASNCLP command-line program to create Q Capture and Q Apply control tables.
还可以使用ASNCLP命令行程序来创建QCapture和 QApply控制表。
This is done by creating a digital certificate store using a supplied KeyTool command-line program.
Listing 4 is a simple Python command-line program that adds a software entry file using the direct SOAP API.
It's not at all unusual to find that a single text line to a shell can do the same work as a hundred-line program.
This is a small command line program to count the number of updated rows seen in all TransactionMsg(s) and RowOperationMsg(s).
这是一个较小的命令行程序,用于计算所有TransactionMsg和 RowOperationMsg中看到的更新行数。
What we have presented today is essentially a top-line program, and as such we are presenting a top-line, very rough budget.
If this first on-line program goes well, in three years Florida high school students will be able to take all their classes by computer.
Software design applied a universal table with instrument information and on-line program to realize synchro renewal of software and hardware.
This 23-line program will be the most complex FESI program we will explore in this article — but you should find it rather straightforward to understand.
If an attacker can get a leading dash or slash into something that will be passed down to a command-line program, it might get misinterpreted as an option.
With that in mind, it would be nice to be able to create arbitrary alarm events from a command-line program, which would execute programs or display messages.
If you are unsure which php.ini file to edit, you can query PHP itself. Create this three-line program and run it using the browser or the interactive interpreter.
如果不确定该编辑哪个php . ini文件,可以查询php本身。
For those reasons, the strengths and weaknesses of special passenger line program evaluation and strategic choice has been the concern of scholars home and abroad.
An application scheme for developing microcontroller is proposed; witch is combined with the software simulation and the on-line program technique for developing microcontroller.
Now I'll enter in the assembly language version of this program and then discuss what each line means.
Trace is turned on by specifying any command line parameter to the program when it is invoked.
When executed from a command line, the program reads the XML content from a file into a string variable.
You can also allocate space for local variables as is done in the program (line 63).
和程序中的处理一样,还可以为局部变量分配空间(第 63行)。
In doing so, I have witnessed no more than limited success when the industry standard is used as the process for the company, line of business, department, program, or some other organizational unit.
You can pass command line arguments to a program, thereby allowing multiple variations of the query to be run with a single program.
ESP or the top of the stack stores the number of command line arguments supplied to a program, which is 1 by default (for no command line arguments).
The code will need to handle populating that variable with the document supplied to the program through the command line.
Note that the name of the program is just argument number 0 in the command line values — don't trust the program name, since an attacker can change it.
In this section, we will develop a command line application program that USES the XMLToSQL API to update the VIDEOS database.
In this section, we will develop a command line application program that USES the XMLToSQL API to update the VIDEOS database.