The evolution of the ammonia molecule in linearly polarized microwave field was discussed.
Linearly polarized light will in consequence become elliptically polarized on total reflection.
The free electron laser with a linearly polarized wiggler and axial guide field hag been studied.
The team performed the experiment using linearly polarized laser light, which liberates unpolarized electrons.
Good LC alignment was achieved by exposing a long_wave linearly polarized ultraviolet (LPUV) light to the PICA film.
Using th is scheme we are able to obtain the condition for localization of a TLS subject to the linearly polarized field.
The beam circular Polarizer System is designed to convert the laser beam from a linearly polarized beam to a circularly polarized beam.
The radiation produced by the electron under a linearly polarized laser has a higher amplitude than under a circularly polarized laser pulse with the same intensity.
The output light is also linearly polarized if the polarization direction of linearly polarized input light is coincident with the characteristic direction, while bo.
The monomers with vinyl groups at two ends of the main chain after exposed to linearly polarized ultraviolet (LPUV) light can induce homogeneous alignment of liquid crystal molecules.
In addition, there is an optimal incident angle for depolarization of linearly polarized light with different wavelengths, which is equal to their effective Brewster angles, respectively.
This paper analyzes the polarization of reflected light by Fresnel formula when linearly polarized light is incident on different interfaces, and discusses the change of vibration azimuth angle.
Circular polarization is one of microwave equipment with broad application. its the mostly function is switch linearly - polarized wave into circular polarized wave.
The propagation of linearly and circularly polarized high-intensity femtosecond laser pulses in bulk media is experimentally investigated.
By analyzing the case linearly-polarized beacon signal and elliptically-polarized radar antenna, the related formulas and curves are given.
The author bring forward a Gaussian optical beam in a transverse-linearly-polarized state, the expression of its module is the same as the scalar Gaussian beam.
The author bring forward a Gaussian optical beam in a transverse-linearly-polarized state, the expression of its module is the same as the scalar Gaussian beam.