Any liquid or gas passing it will have streamline flow.
The liquid in the pipeline under certain conditions and partially vaporizes into gas state, bubble, formation of gas-liquid two-phase flow which is the process of flash.
The best fire-fighting technique is simply to shut off the flow of cryogenic liquid or vaporized gas if a flammable cryogenic liquid is involved.
The result indicates that the sound speed of gas liquid two phase flow is much lower than single phase liquid or air medium.
The focus of the research on the two phase flow, gas and non-Newtonian fluid in horizontal pipelines, is pressure drop, the law of liquid adhesiveness and the prediction of flow form.
In liquid, gas or powder medium flow pipe, need different kinds of medium flow valve cut or control.
The CO2 phase change between liquid and gas in well bore flow has significant effects on temperature and pressure distribution in well bore.
Flow regime identification in horizontal gas- liquid two- phase flow using differential pressure signal is investigated in this paper.
Based on the flow mechanism and performance of gas liquid two phase plug flow in oil gas gathering line, a slug unit are divided into both gas slug region with liquid film and liquid slug region.
Using the model, the liquid holding efficiency and pressure drop of gas lifting flow with liquid flow rate being zero was calculated.
The vortex shedding characteristics of tube bundles in line arrangement subjected to gas liquid two phase cross flow were investigated experimentally.
The numerical simulating results of liquid velocities agree with the experimental data at low gas flow rate.
Criterion for gas flow pressure loss is presented for rotating liquid film heat and mass transfer device.
It is also possible to analyze a gas liquid two phase flow condition through an edge detection of wavelet transformation and detect thermodynamic data in a gas liquid two phase flow.
Flowmeters can be used to measure the flow rates of liquid or gas and are available in various configurations and with differing operating principles.
In air and mist drilling, annular carries are the typical of gas, liquid and solid multiphase flow, and its mechanism and principles are very complicated.
With increasing of superficial gas velocities, the liquid flow regime was changed from homogeneous to transitional and radial gradient of axial liquid velocity was rather small.
One-dimensional homogeneous model based on the gas-liquid two-phase flow theory was established.
A theoretical analysis is made, by applying linear stability theory, orl the model of gas-liquid stratified flow.
The shear stress at the liquid-gas interface plays an important role on characteristics of the hydrodynamics, flow stability and heat transfer of liquid film.
A method of using metal probe for measuring the void fraction at any point in gas-liquid two-phase flow on Sieve tray is described.
In this paper, the prediction of void fraction and pressure drop for upward gas-liquid annular flow in a vertical annulus is studied.
Its basic principle is that there is a quite steady flow state of annular flow in the flow pattern of gas-liquid two-phase flow.
In comparison with other centrifugal gas-liquid separators, the resistance loss of the axial flow guide vane type gas-liquid cyclone separators was less.
The effects of analytical spectral line, back ground correcting point, high frequence power, carrier gas pressure, flow rate of liquid sample and auxiliary gas on analytical results were investigated.
The results show that errors of the model are reasonable acceptable despite the variations of viscosity of liquid, and in a wide gas and liquid flow rate range.
Flow boiling heat transfer in narrow channels is an important researching project of gas-liquid two-phase flow.
A type of fluidized bed in which catalyst particles are held in suspension by the upward movement of the liquid reactant and gas flow.
In chapter 2, the theory of liquid gas flow and liquid-gas jet pump has been analyzed systematically.
In chapter 2, the theory of liquid gas flow and liquid-gas jet pump has been analyzed systematically.