"But the problem is that most of the Korean big companies listed in the stock market are mostly export driven," said Kim.
The bill requires all companies listed on the Paris stock exchange to gradually implement changes that put women in 20 percent of their board seats within 18 months, and 40 percent within four years.
Of the roughly 1, 500 companies listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges, less than 50 are genuinely private.
It sells stocks of companies not listed on any stock exchange.
By these analyses, we find that the problem of executing stock option scheme by Chinese hi-tech listed companies is due to the deficiency of institutional environment.
Today, Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets have a number of executives of listed companies to buy its own stock.
NYSE Euronext offers listed companies a wide range of services throughout their life on the stock exchange. Each company is assigned a dedicated contact within NYSE Euronext.
It sells stocks of companies not listed on any stock exchange.
At present, 13% of floating stock in 200 top listed companies in the U. s. a has been used in incentive to mangers.
The exchange of listed stocks within the separately organized exchange system shall be carried out in accordance with the characteristics of the high and new technology joint stock limited companies.
We believe that this is the third quarter of the listed companies stock indicators related to high.
The governance efficiency in the listed companies demonstrates the governance function of stock market.
Nowadays, accounting information distortion of listed companies is a widespread problem on global stock markets.
Third, enhance supervision on the stock transaction of listed companies' directors, supervisors, executives and main Stockholders.
The author thinks that most of Chinese listed companies do not allocate dividend incomes and mainly allocate stock but not cash dividend income if some companies do.
The study shows that in a mature stock market, better information disclosure of listed companies in the stock prices are relatively higher than other similar companies.
This paper studies the relationship between corporate disclosure quality and the debt cost of Chinese listed companies with A-share companies listed in Shengzhen Stock Exchange.
The result of regression shows that value of listed companies is positively correlated with asset and liability rate and yield of asset, and is negatively correlated with the ration of floating stock.
The falsified annual reports by some listed companies are generally caused by the institutional defects in stock issuing and marketing system, management system and inner corporate governance.
The article investigates relationship between latent misstatement risk, information transparency and audit fees in Shenzhen Stock Exchange use the sample 779 listed companies from 2002 to 2003.
At present, the dividend distribution plans in the listed companies include cash, stock and non-assignment.
The most important thing is to restore the true qualities of the stock market, improve the quality of listed companies, is to solve the problem.
The performance of listed companies increase the level of the stock market is the cornerstone of the rise.
Analyzing the reason why the listed companies adopt rationed stock and new shares issue, contrasting the influence to shareholders' benefit in different ways of refinancing.
Earnings of accounting are important contents of finance information about listed companies. It influences not only companies' listing but also changes of stock price.
Earnings of accounting are important contents of finance information about listed companies. It influences not only companies' listing but also changes of stock price.