Chapter III: China's current patent administrative litigation in the confusion.
Where relevant, representing Roche in case of arbitration, litigation in court or other related.
The second chapter analysis plaintiff qualification on environmental public litigation in theory.
This duality, or multiplicity, brings a new dimension to the complexity of litigation in America.
It stipulates definitely that mediation can't be applied in administrative litigation in our country.
Years of litigation in state courts upheld the town's contention that the area was in need of redevelopment.
"There was a lot of litigation in Philadelphia that we did not have in other parts of the state," Fajt said.
According to the Chinese Civil Procedure Law, representative litigation is not group litigation in its real sense.
In the third chapter, the author mainly explores the presence and manifestation of the purpose of civil litigation in practice.
Second, discusses the establishment of civil litigation in our country's system of experts supporting the rationality and necessity.
The field of civil litigation in China has been adhering to the legal elements of civil law to allocate the burden of proof that category.
However, there is still considerable debate regarding relief through administrative litigation in judicial practice and theoretical studies.
The judge and litigants are effective, both litigant parties and the judge cooperate to advance litigation in cooperation pattern of litigation.
The judge and litigants are effective, both litigant parties and the judge cooperate to advance litigation in cooperative pattern of litigation.
Countervailing litigation is the lawsuit of cross-claims which arise in defendant's allegation of countervailing in litigation in the proceedings.
And there are similar system in Japan, England and France. There is wide-range research on the taxpayer litigation in the overseas theory of the Law.
The number of patent-infringement cases in litigation in 1990 was fifty per cent greater than the number in 1980, and the average damage award has tripled.
1990年的专利侵权起诉案比1980年增长了 50%,平均赔偿金增长了两倍。
The labor disputes are becoming multifarious and complicated gradually, but system of the labor litigation in our country falls behind other countries.
It has always been a very controversial problem whether the mediation mechanics should be introduced into the administrative litigation in China or not.
The reasons of the medical dissension and litigation in neurosurgery were analyzed, including the social factor, the economic factor and the iatrogenic factor.
With the establishment of system of administrative litigation in 1982, the scope of administrative litigation of China has been expanded gradually on the whole.
Reviewing the practice of the law discovery in the administrative litigation in China, we find that there exist extensive law discovery activities in the court.
Although it's not a hot spot in the field of civil litigation in our country, civil litigation contract was deeply discussed by the scholars in continental legal system.
This presentation will discuss many of the important considerations in protecting trade secrets and bringing or defending trade secret litigation in the United States' courts.
If your case is not complex, subject matter is not, then, perhaps a real estate dispute litigation in the more practical experience of the "little lawyer" is more suitable for you.
The article also does some researches on other remedy measures, including protective measure from continental law, British Interdiction case, and preservation in litigation in China.
The fourth part mainly introduces taxpayer litigation status in China and how to establish taxpayer litigation in China on the basic of the introduction of other countries experience.
The fourth part mainly introduces taxpayer litigation status in China and how to establish taxpayer litigation in China on the basic of the introduction of other countries experience.