A just society is one which would allow a man to live well by his own efforts.
Everyone only wants to live well, without working and only having fun.
If you wouldst live long, live well, for folly and wickedness shorten life.
My imagination is like an animal, what I did was to ensure its to live well.
The focus of modern hospice care is on helping people to live well until they die.
To live long is almost everyone's wish, but to live well is the ambitiion of a few.
If you live well it will show in your face, it will show in the texture of your voice.
In fact, I should say, everyone needs a certain amount of stress in order to live well.
But, the social welfare cans not be people, either need not operate, need not effort can live well.
However, the living to live well, China will be more powerful in other countries will not be bullied!
People may live well past a hundred years, be equipped with plastic body parts, and eat man-made foods.
Hoped that the friend of mine can buoy up, do not be depressed, hopes you to be possible the live well!
We can't help worrying about our future: how much money will we need to survive or live well when we get old?
Nevertheless, many people who live well into old age do tend to have another advantage: an inherited genetic pass.
Tom: Actually, I don't think so. Nowadays, it becomes more and more difficult to live well without great efforts.
事实上,我并不这么认为。现在,如果没有好好努力是没法过好日子的。 遈。
I thought, I a person can live well. Finally one day, I found, I had been living in their own weaving by your city.
If you want to live well into your 60s, 70s, or beyond, you need to start taking your physical condition seriously.
Children is enjoying the day who will be given some bills from betters to express they will live well in the New Year.
With good training and preventative health care, an Australian Cattle Dog will live well beyond the average of 13 years.
Bacon says that if a man would live well within his income, he ought not to expend more than onehalf, and save the rest.
Damon told TIME he hoped to show "the extreme lengths we go to live, and live well, in a place that was not meant for us".
Go to college and try to get a job in a large company to become an accountant and make a lot of money and just live well off.
Instruction: Real mothers teach constantly, showing both by example and by explanation what their children must know in order to live well.
If I study, 'tis for no other science than that which deals with the knowledge of myself, and instructs me how to die and how to live well.
They don't live well without being touched. They want to snuggle with, be close to, bump up against someone who they know is there for them.
They don't live well without being touched. They want to snuggle with, be close to, bump up against someone who they know is there for them.