Once my son broke my legs and I decided, I didn't want to live with my family any more.
Maybe, God pitied the incompleteness of my life, so he turned me to a cat and to live with my family again.
He used to live with my family. At that time he always spent more than one hour examining my homework every day. When I was ill, he took good care of me. He showed great concern.
Years later, when Mother died, I tried to get him to come and live with my family, but he insisted on staying in the small house with the garden plot and a few farm animals close by.
The main thing for me right now is just to live my life with my family and friends.
My dream would be to own a tropical island off the coast of Northern Australia and live happily ever after with my family.
I live in a world that my ancestor'd conquered long before man made fateful contact with my family and staked their claim to the riches of our southern seas.
"I've learned to live with it, and I really have to see the funny side. My friends and family call it my 'food babies'," she added.
With our new baby and my wife sick, my paycheck just isn't enough for my family to live on.
I left my friends, family and job opportunities (which were very good) in order to live with her.
I'm going to continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things that I want to do with me and my family and be happy with that.
Twenty years ago, I sat with my family in our house in Palo Alto, California, as we watched live television coverage from Berlin.
I live in a normal family, my family is neither rich nor poor, my mother can't satisfy me with every thing.
I'll live with my parents. You know, I'm the only child in my family.
Solomon:Days ago I was with my family in my home. Now you tell me all is lost. Tell no one who I really am? If I want to survive. Well, I don't want to survive, I want to live.
Because I am from Canada and I live in China, I keep in contact with my family and my friends using the computer.
Her parents live in poverty so my parents made an arrangement with her family on their last visit over-seas.
But in one special cabinet I keep letters and Christmas CARDS and family photos sent to me from the people who live with and love my pet puppies.
With this I can live my life, work at my job, raise my family but include that part of me that remembers how important it is to still have fun.
I was fortunate to marry young and have a child and live well with my family.
I have a dream that one day my family members with me live in a town where they will not be judged by their wealth but by the content of their character.
I live alone from that time. My dauter will come back and stay with me during her vacation, and sometimes, I will go to my parent's family and accompany her.
Although my relatives don't live with us, we have a close family and we get along well with each other.
Having been in a desolate place which is far from my family and friends, only whatever I must deal with all by myself, I can live. Thus I'll be in deep despair.
Having been in a desolate place which is far from my family and friends, only whatever I must deal with all by myself, I can live. Thus I'll be in deep despair.