The two level distributed control system for cryogenic propellant loading is introduced, taking the Lox loading control system for example.
This controller is applied to the structural strength loading control system, which is the experimental system of a variable swept aircraft wing.
These methods were applied to testing and modelling of the electrohydraulic loading control system of a component fatigue testing machine, and the results obtained were satisfactory.
The working environment of the feeding and loading control system was usually more severe. Therefore, the requirements for the security, reliability and easy maintenance are more demanding.
The reliable design of control system ensures the security and stability of loading process.
The performances of excitation control system must fit all the different operation conditions of generator, such as no load operation, loading, load rejection and different kinds of faults.
This paper deals with a system consisted of machine, hydraulic and electronic being used to control loading power and frequence of the hydraulic vibration exciting unit.
Control loading system is one of the important components for a flight simulator, and it supplies fidelity force-feeling to pilots.
The paper introduced the Truck-Loading Roller plate machining production line, hardware construction of PLC control system and data display are discussed.
Aiming at the problems as the nonlinear factors and the position disturbance in the electro-hydraulic servo loading system of pumping unit, the conventional control method cant attain perfect effect.
This paper presents an expert diagnosis control system for electrical failures of fruit loading robots.
The adaptive optimal decoupling control method of helicopter rotor concordant loading system was discussed.
By analyzing wrapper roll's AJC action and control, the AJC system is designed and its mathematic modeling, emulation analysis and analogue loading verification are conducted.
In this paper, a control method aiming at electric actuator hydraulic loading system is discussed and designed.
The result shows that superfluous force is less in double valve parallel control system than that in single valve control system, and the precision of dynamic loading is increased.
To deal with the problems in the study of passive electrohydraulic servo loading system, a self-tuning control algorithm(FD-GMV) is proposed in this paper.
This machine is mainly composed of passive loading frame, after molding, leveling device, punching device, cutting device, hydraulic station, computer control system, etc.
The structure and function of the automatic loading measurement control system of train trestle bridge are introduced, and the testing method of measurement accuracy is put forward.
The influence of parameter changes and coupling disturbances on control property was analyzed in the rotational speed control system of the servo loading test equipment with secondary regulation.
Model reference control and repetitive control were applied in multi-channel electric hydraulic synchron-force servo loading system, and a new control method based on online learning was put forward.
Applies various advanced techniques such as frequency conversion, optimization control, fuzzy control and computer programing, the system has the characteristic that tracks the fluctuant loading.
Weighing body includes loading device and weighing device, while weighing and control system includes weighing sensors and secondary instrumentation.
Start-up time was shortened and the ability to resist shock loading was strengthened in the bioaugmented SBR system in comparison with the control system.
Variable structure control was discussed for aircraft engine manipulating system simulator with motor loading.
It is the typical passive electro-hydraulic force control system. It mainly includes two parts-loading system and driving system.
We build the mathematical model of a control loading system with the skin dynamics of human hands taken into consideration, which improves the fidelity of the models.
A hybrid control method for passive electro-hydraulic servo loading system was proposed based on new compensation structure and nonlinear PID controller.
The application of ABB ACS800 direct torque control (DTC) frequency-variable speed control system in the reducer loading test was presented.
The airplane ground environmental control system is the important task of ShenYang Hang Da airplane loading equipment company. It is investigated for the demand of new aeronautic equip.
Finally, the hydraulic loading system of fuzzy PID control are studied in detail.