I've got the loading list and the stowage plan.
But according to the loading list, there are 500 tons of tin plates for Hamburg. I think there must be some mistakes in the plan.
The driver of a motor vehicle carrying imported or exported goods shall submit a loading list (or a waybill) to Customs for inspection when he makes a declaration to Customs for passing the border.
So, the operating system then skims the list of attached PCI devices, and starts loading those drivers.
If you're also loading other sites, you'll see a list of them: scroll until you find the YouTube page and click on the arrow to show details about what is being loaded.
First, define the ApplicationServlet class to initiate the list values loading process at application start-up time.
Using the drop-down list in combination with the Browse... button allows for loading the desired WSDLs on the source and target WSDL panels respectively.
配合Browse...按钮使用下拉列表,将需要的WSDL 分别装载到源及目标WSDL面板上。
In the HPL device array name list box, choose Enter New name and provide a name for the device array that will be used for the loading job.
在HPLDeviceArrayName列表框中,选择EnterNew Name并提供用于加载作业的设备阵列名称。
Construction of the blog page can then be achieved by loading the components (blog posts, category list, post history, etc.) from memcached and writing the completed HTML back to the client.
To monitor class loading, you must list the packages or plug-ins that contain the classes that interest you in the plugins \ org.eclipse.core.boot_1.0.2 \ trace.properties file.
要监视类的加载,您必须在plugins \ or g . eclipse . core . boot_1 . 0.2 \trace . properties文件中列出包含您所感兴趣的类的包或者插件。
A common scenario for lazy loading happens when an application returns and displays a list of search results, one of which the user clicks to see the original document stored in the index.
In both cases, the CPU and memory usage percentages have been displayed in the process list so that you can get a good idea of the loading on the system.
The pre-loading was incorporated as part of the load testing, which was set up to read a list of all of the HKEYs and log each user into the portal once.
预装载被合并为装载测试的一部分,它设计用来一次读取保存所有HKEY 的列表并将每个用户记录到门户。
For example, XQuery offers no standard mechanism for loading a document or viewing a list of available documents.
The Error List window displays errors which occur when loading the XAML.
Rotating through a list of 5 different loading screens each with their own "pro tip" or safety message would keep me from just shutting the app off every time it hangs on load.
With the aid of a computer, a method used to simulate the fatigue stress spectra of railway Bridges by loading the influence lines with the train marshalling list is presented in this paper.
Party B will check and accept goods and AWB according to Delivery List, then sign on Delivery List as pickup confirmation and supervise goods loading onto trucks.
Select your Loading Port name from the drop-down list. Note that this is the actual loading port, not the place of receipt.
One of my antivirus benchmark is loading of a list of websites.
The list-style-type property specifies the type of list-item marker, and is used if list-style-image is none or if image loading is turned off.
The list-style-type property specifies the type of list-item marker, and is used if list-style-image is none or if image loading is turned off.