View or enter details of monthly loan repayment expenses (Figure 7).
Used to provide loan funds from savers collective accumulation, major components for the savings deposit and loan repayment.
With a 90-plus percent loan repayment rate, BRAC's program is one of the most successful women's empowerment programs in the world.
Overdue loan repayment schedule is not party or over the contract period the graded principal repayment of loans planned behavior.
21st Century Economic Report news, attitude of the regulators towards projects using private placement as loan repayment and supplement of working capital has tightened more than before.
Reporters also learned that as a result of the four major state-owned Banks accounted for the vast majority of mortgage market share, so the people of early loan repayment a "crash" phenomenon.
Direct Loan Repayment Plans: I have 800cny from my family and 250cny as an English tutor each month. I can save 400 from my living fees, so I can return 650cny by adding the 250cny salary every month.
He failed to meet last Friday's deadline for repayment of a $114 million loan.
Some structured it as a loan and deferred repayment.
Second, they quietly agreed to consider extending the three-year repayment period for Greece, which was bailed out in May, to match the more generous loan term for Ireland.
To accept responsibility for repayment obligations under a loan contract if the borrower is unable to meet the loan obligations.
Hanging in the balance are the basic features of a mortgage loan: the interest rate and repayment period.
The loan is the first under a new policy that extends average repayment maturities to 18 years from a previous 10 years and three months to 14 years and three months, depending on per capita income.
Expense consists of household expenses, repayment for loan borrowing, and payment for insurance premium.
Ti Kredi offers loans of just $25, shorter repayment periods, additional support from loan officers, and literacy and health classes.
In general, we provide the revolving loan by depositing it into the repayment account or paid out to you by cheque at branch.
To help keep borrowers in their homes, servicers have been offering assistance with repayment plans, temporary forbearance, and loan modifications.
In general, we provide the instalment loan by depositing it into the repayment account, or paid out to you by cheque or by cash at branch.
Establishment of loan-repayment programs for clinicians who provide pediatric mental health services in areas designated as underserved.
建立借款还款项目(loan -repayment program)提供给在服务水平低下的指定地区提供儿科精神健康服务的医生。
An instalment loan is deemed to be drawn-down once the instalment loan is deposited to the repayment account, or paid out to you by cheque or by cash.
In most instances the former party is entitled to repayment at a specified time, and receives a promise of some interest, share of profits, or other service as compensation for the loan.
A loan contract contains such clauses as the category of the loan, kind of currency, purpose of use, amount, interest rate, term and method of repayment.
Thee Lender agrees that no interest will be payable on the Loan for the term of the loan while the Borrower is not in default of repayment.
On or before the due date set out in the statement we issue for a revolving loan, you shall pay at least a minimum monthly repayment as set out in the statement.
A tax loan that can relieve your tax burden. Enjoy a personalized rate and true repayment flexibility.
A tax loan that can relieve your tax burden. Enjoy a personalized rate and true repayment flexibility.