The trend to lock down permanent capital gained even more traction abroad.
GNOME and KDE allow you to lock down the system easily, up to a kiosk level.
Notice some of the details — shoes lock down inside of the box for easy portability.
Quick lacing system and adjustable heel lock system promote a secure lock down.
You don't need to by extra XML security hardware just to lock down the basics of an endpoint.
You can (and should) lock down the delete and update closures with the same four lines of code.
However, in most cases, you want to lock down your queries based on thorough performance testing.
The success of XML makes it tempting to try to lock down standards for all sorts of related technologies.
Linux itself and the window managers are also able to lock down the system and hide unwanted functions.
This helps lock down your system and ensures only users who are supposed to access the database actually do.
This option clearly tries to lock down specific areas where a user runs a sudo command, which is good practice.
By existing "in the cloud," these off-site services are perfect for it pros that can't lock down computer assets.
Ample oil inventories near record highs on ships and land have left buyers in no hurry to lock down new crude supply.
Use this mode to temporarily lock down computers during a known network attack or when a malicious program is spreading.
You can use one of these custom event handlers to further lock down which tabs are enabled or disabled at any given time.
In addition, Linux offers many capabilities to lock down the system so that a standard can be established and maintained.
A portal administrator or page administrator can use Edit Shared Settings to lock down a specific view or specific service.
Kocher’s company began brainstorming a better way to lock down DVDs shortly after the discs hit the market in the late 1990s.
I am often asked at what point should we lock down the requirements and subject our users to formal change request procedures.
He notably does not use the term "lock down", but says that all hands drop other tasks, and are mustered to find the errant drive.
While the ideal situation is to be able to lock down the exact resources for the project, it is not always realistic to attain that goal.
I said this because Landry do play tenacious defense and really lock down opponent based on some of the games I seen... where as Harris might not.
Additional Settings contains Settings that let you restrict or lock down different options and screens in the browser so users can't view or modify them.
You have seen how to lock down administrative access when strong authentication methods such as SSL or channel security exits are not immediately available.
Since you lock down requirements up-front, you reduce the ability to leverage existing assets, which in turn drives you toward primarily doing custom development.
If we think we have the power to achieve what we want, then similarly, our minds will automatically lock down on all the evidence that supports that thought.
If we think we have the power to achieve what we want, then similarly, our minds will automatically lock down on all the evidence that supports that thought.
If we think we have the power to achieve what we want, then similarly, our minds will automatically lock down on all the evidence that supports that thought.