This extremely poisonous carbon compound happens to be very reactive, allowing it to lock in hugely complex but stable chains of other molecules.
God and humans lock in an eternal struggle, neither prevailing, yet both forever changed by their encounter with one another.
Like many investors, Mr. Tiedemann sold gold in December to lock in losses for tax purposes.
These common additives moisturize and lock in hydration.
Asian countries are also trying to lock in yield-seeking investors.
Most firms insisted on their proprietary technology, mostly to lock in their customers.
FE lock is simply obtaining a proper flash exposure, pushing the right button to lock in that exposure.
The real motive behind episodic gaming, he suggests, is to lock in players and generate new revenue.
"I would be reasonably confident now that we have a chance to lock in what we agree on," Geithner said.
And then we'll see exactly what it is that he's doing here so we're going to try to lock in on the bass.
Also experiment with different lacing patterns to more securely wrap the top of the shoe and lock in the heel.
Despite missing the July first deadline, China and Australia could still lock in prices for the next 12 months.
Whereas futures contracts lock in the participants to buy or sell an asset, an option is more like insurance.
And producers that had the smarts or good luck to lock in higher prices with hedges haven't cut production either.
It's a a natural anti-inflammatory agent that helps regulate your skin's pH balance to soothe and lock in moisture.
We need concerted, collaborative action now to make sure that we start finding solutions and do not lock in the problem.
Although customers may find this annoying, it is unclear whether it is an abuse of market power to lock in users (see article).
Oatmeal. It's a a natural anti-inflammatory agent that helps regulate your skin's pH balance to soothe and lock in moisture.
In that case, the optimal pricing strategy is to charge as much in the beginning or to lock in customers with long-term contracts.
It is only when we look at the lock in the context of a runtime environment can we finally answer the question, did we really need the lock?
That's sending major indexes lower on the final day of trading as investors lock in gains, or sell underperforming stocks to reap a tax benefit.
This extremely poisonous carbon compound happens to be very reactive, allowing it to lock in hugely complex - but stable - chains of other molecules.
This was connected to a computer, which tweaked the electric field so as to lock in the corresponding energy gain, storing information as it did so.
Optimistic locking is an extremely efficient concurrency control method that guarantees data integrity without placing any physical lock in the database.
An organized approach that consolidates and transfers these lessons to rapidly urbanizing countries can lock in systemic benefits for current and future generations.
This only succeeds if another thread does not already have the lock, in which case the current thread is blocked.
Furthermore, as part of this increased control, the risks associated with vendor lock-in are diminished.
Furthermore, as part of this increased control, the risks associated with vendor lock-in are diminished.