The shaft is splined to lock into the disc to ensure positive rotation.
During use the attachments lock into a socket on the back of the ax head.
Once people "lock into" one way of looking at things the idea flow will slow to a tickle.
If you don't have a board, then you should be able to lock into a budget with your team in December.
Cube motors lend themselves to easier mounting than cylindrical motors in many applications and are easier to lock into an envelope.
This is a very common programming paradigm, and it's important to sort of lock into your heads, the distinction between the method and an invocation of the method.
When you live congruently, it's as if all the different parts of your life lock into new positions to form a new whole that's greater than all the individual pieces.
All boards are fitted with a special 'male' and a 'female' extrusion screwed to each long side and these sections lock into each other when laid next to each other.
"The sea level rise is a much slower thing, so it will take a long time to happen, but we will lock into it, based on the peak level of [carbon dioxide] we reach in this century," Solomon says.
This means that you can lock these values into the pattern or provide the values shortly before deployment.
The compiler can observe that there is a sequence of adjacent blocks that operate on the same lock, and merge them into a single block.
The result is that they lock their applications into a specific parser -- sometimes a specific version of a parser.
其结果就是他们的应用程序受困于某个特定的语法分析器 --有时甚至是某个语法分析器的特定版本。
It is worth noting that at this point you could lock the information for the integration script package into the pattern.
Not only does this lock a moment into your memory, but it also allows you to get a lot more out of the experience.
That's why they call it "moisturizing" -because you're trying to lock moisture, aka water, into your skin.
That could lock higher inflation into the system, giving central Banks a devil of a job to bring it back down again.
It is incredibly easy for the intense feelings of intimate relationships to lock us into the emotional processing part of the brain that was completely dominant at age two.
The detective on the phone explained how someone had sprayed a canister of Freon into the dead-bolt lock and then tapped the lock with a cold chisel to shatter the cylinder.
Lock coarsening occurs when adjacent synchronized blocks may be merged into one synchronized block.
SaaS application architectures which force you to make decisions that lock you into a particular technology stack will compromise the ability of a SaaS application to evolve and adapt.
An administrator can lock portlets into specific positions, so you may not be able to reposition particular portlets.
Oracle assures companies that they won't try to lock them into their cloud, customers having the option to move their applications to other clouds or on premises at any time.
In addition, AppFuse does not lock you into any particular API.
With Linux, there is no commercial vendor trying to lock you into certain products or protocols.
Two halves of the wooden Pinch stand use the weight of your bicycle to firmly lock the rear wheel into place. [link].
You take a spray canister of refrigerant, R-12 if you can still get it, what with the ozone hole and everything, or R-134a, and you spray it into the lock cylinder until the works are frozen.
You take a spray canister of refrigerant, R-12 if you can still get it, what with the ozone hole and everything, or R-134a, and you spray it into the lock cylinder until the works are frozen.