During the 1988 desert locust plague, swarms crossed the Atlantic from Mauritania to the Caribbean, flying 5 000 kilometres in 10 days.
These findings laid the scientific foundation for quick monitoring the dynamics of locust populations in real time and at large scale and efficient control of locust plague.
Huai River Basin has been a culture space since ancient times, however, people taking with Flower-Drum was moved from here to there by aridity that is flood, locust plague or truceless leads to.
This paper summarized the distribution of locust plague, control methods, and effects on society firstly, and the effects of society, economy and technology on locust plague management in history.
This is when the Australian Plague Locust Commission (APLC) tries to reduce their Numbers, by laying strips of insecticide in their path.
This is when the Australian Plague Locust Commission (APLC) tries to reduce their Numbers, by laying strips of insecticide in their path.