A successive detection logarithmic amplifier (SDLA) is described, with regard to its operational principle and structure.
It is also demonstrated that the AGC systems with exponential gain control characteristic may strictly be transformed into a linear system by using any logarithmic amplifier.
This paper introduces a basic conception of logarithm amplifier and a useful logarithmic amplifier using the chip of AD8313 that has a wide bandwidth, high dynamic range and high accuracy.
介绍了对数放大器的基本概念以及利用AD 8313对数放大器集成芯片研制的实用宽带、大动态范围、高精度对数放大器模块。
A bipolar logarithmic intermediate-frequency (if) amplifier with received signal strength indicator (RSSI) circuit for ASK Receiver is presented.
The paper describes a fast logarithmic charge amplifier.
A method for measuring the dynamic range of the fast logarithmic charge amplifier is described. Finally, the results of absolute measurement of the activity of...
A method for measuring the dynamic range of the fast logarithmic charge amplifier is described. Finally, the results of absolute measurement of the activity of...