Good examples of this approach in the UK are the Jorvik Centre in York; the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television in Bradford; and the Imperial War Museum in London.
UK: Oxford, Cambridge, London (UCL), Birmingham, Liverpool.
I was recently in the UK on our supposedly "fast" trains, which take over two hours to travel the 290 kilometers from London to Man-chester.
During the G20 London Summit, the close cooperation between China, US, UK and other countries shows that China has come to the centre stage of addressing global issues.
The UK on this new global projection is a tale of London and the other cities.
World No Tobacco day will be launched by WHO and the UK Department of Health in London on Tuesday, 31 May, 2005.
The red line is the Halifax Home Price Index for greater London we're talking UK now.
In the UK, there are Confucius Institutes at universities in Manchester, Cardiff, Lampeter, Nottingham, Sheffield, Edinburgh and London, usually on campus.
Originally designed for use in select London hospitals, this grid could eventually allow ninety-two screening centers throughout the UK to archive their scans for future use.
Passengers using London Heathrow are expected to be hit worse than those through London Gatwick, the airline's two major hubs for services in the UK.
It's a familiar sight for seasoned red-carpet watchers, who have seen the pair put on similar performances at the UK premiere in London last week and as far back as the Golden Globes in January.
Last night, several thousand people queued around the block on Oxford Street in London to be there for the official UK launch of the second 'expansion pack' for the game.
Angels Costumiers in London is having one of its busiest weeks of the year as the UK gears up to celebrate Halloween.
Three quarters of people take less than half an hour to get to work across the UK except for London where more than half of workers - 56 per cent - take longer than 30 minutes.
So-called "passive smoking" is very common, Dr.Mark Hamer of University College London in the UK and colleagues note in the Archives of General Psychiatry.
So-called "passive smoking" is very common, Dr. Mark Hamer of University College London in the UK and colleagues note in the Archives of General Psychiatry.
所谓的“被动吸烟”是相当普遍的,来自于英国伦敦大学学院的Mark Hamer和他的同事们在普通精神病学档案中这样写道。
From the UK, the eclipse will already have begun when the sun rises in London at 8.06am, in Manchester at 8.24am and in Glasgow at 8.46am.
According the CRI Online on February 8, a British artist Slinkachu placed miniature plastic people throughout the streets around London, UK.
A few weeks ago UK based furniture designer Pinch showed their new collection at 100% design in London.
But just one UK city makes it into the top fifty, with London coming in at 38th - one place up from last year and ahead of New York in 47th.
But just one UK city makes it into the top fifty, with London coming in at 38th -one place up from last year and ahead of New York in 47th.
Confirmatory testing and genetic sequencing was done at NAMRU-3 and at two WHO Collaborating Centres located in Atlanta, USA and London, UK.
The London, UK-based company has spent the best part of the last 18 months developing the system, securing funding and launching spin-off models - ZoombuSki - to test functionality.
The London, UK-based company has spent the best part of the last 18 months developing the system, securing funding and launching spin-off models - ZoombuSki - to test functionality.