Millions more suffer from serious sleep deprivation caused by long work hours.
Both men and woman face long work hours and out-of-hours meetings and conference calls.
Remember all those colleagues who lost their jobs to help you through the long work hours.
Well-known for their long work hours, many Japanese people develop posture problems and body stiffness.
Physicians tend to have long work hours that can lead to lack of sleep, unhealthy eating habits and undue stress.
Do you have a 'breaking point 'for your life-a point where long work hours send you over the edge into work-family conflict?
你生活中是否会出现“崩溃点”,长时间工作会不会让你感到家庭和工作的冲突把你逼到崩溃的边缘? ?
Long work hours, little sleep, no exercise, poor diet, and not spending time with family and friends can contribute to stress.
Young people brought up in the digital era find face-to-face encounters daunting in ultra-polite Japan, while long work hours add still another hurdle.
"Those problems are mainly caused by a combination of long work hours, a lack of exercise and irregular eating habits," said a doctor who would only provide her surname, Xu.
Las Vegas was ranked first among the most stressful US cities due to high unemployment, poor health and long work hours, according to a new list released by Forbes magazine.
Visitors to the United States are often surprised at how hard most Americans work, at their long work hours and short vacations, and at the fast pace of American life in general.
We work long hours both outside and inside the home and we rush around trying to fit everything in.
They exploit employees by making them work long hours for low wages.
They often work long hours, but many vets say that their job is exciting and fun.
If you work long hours at a desk you may want to make sure that your work environment is set up to be the most relaxing.
I'll have to work really long hours and be away from my family for long stretches of time, but, on the flip side, I'll get the opportunity to travel around the world.
They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long hours.
While their parents were content to work long hours, young people value flexibility.
On a summer evening in Beijing in 2008, all those long, hard hours of work and commitment finally bore fruit.
The conditions creating the stress are long hours, unrealistic demands and deadlines, and work-life conflict.
It may have something to do with the way people go to and from work. Many people in the countryside drive or take public transport for long hours, which leads to the greater need for audiobooks.
Labor is more abundant than goods, and the individual is forced to work long hours for little pay.
If managers, they are more likely to work long hours. They also take more risks-or, at least, are more frequently injured at work.
It's really a career for young people, when you don't have any ties and you can fly all over and work long hours, and you can take it seriously.
So what drives Americans to work such long hours and take few, if any, vacations?
He also worries that the increasing urbanisation of society and the pressures on couples to work long hours are putting dogs under huge strain.
The main reason why women do not put in long hours at their jobs is that they work long hours at home.
Many textile and electronics firms hire only young women in their 20s, as they are thought to be less troublesome and more willing to work long hours.
I often came back from the field late in the evening and he was angry about having to work long hours.
I'm not going to have you work long hours on difficult problems to be submitted and then graded.