Rolling ball guideway is used on longitudinal direction.
The ramp sits at an acute Angle to deflect the intake airstream from the longitudinal direction.
The ramp sits at an acute Angle to deflect the intake air stream from the longitudinal direction.
The impellers of each of the rows are mutually spaced in longitudinal direction of the respective shaft.
For magnetic thin films, the magnetic axis is in the longitudinal direction, where Kerr effect is obvious.
A servo drive pulls the two flanks alternately in longitudinal direction, thus moving the wing up and down.
Both the grinding wheel and the workpiece rotate during the operation and feed is applied in the longitudinal direction.
The volume was divided into three in the longitudinal direction and a core was placed between the atelier and the residence.
The pull-on garment has a waist opening and leg openings and extends in a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction.
The traditional transverse analysis of the collective sideward flow is ex-tended to study the flow in longitudinal direction.
The interactions of rail, slab, support layer and bridge are taken into consideration to the longitudinal direction of track.
When in installation, in the longitudinal direction, the flat tenon of one floor is matched with the flat slot of the other floor;
The installed order is done along the longitudinal direction of bridge to the vertical bars and to the horizontal bars from below to top.
The fatigue crack propagation rate (FCPR) of as-rolled AM60 in the longitudinal direction is higher than that of the transverse direction.
According to the invention, the rollers are embodied as hollow elements and are provided with a breakthrough in the longitudinal direction.
Shifting of dune had horizontal direction (ne SW) and longitudinal direction (NW SE) and irregular formation formed with varied wind direction.
沙丘走向有横向(NE -SW)和纵向(NW -SE)以及多风向形成的不规则形。
The additional volume extends substantially in longitudinal direction and is symmetrical with respect to the longitudinal plane of symmetry of the hull.
In the total bridge model of Luohe bridge, two deferent kinds of pushover analysis are calculated in the transverse direction and longitudinal direction.
There are difference of density and hardness in iron base bushings with thin walls by single- and double-pressing process along their longitudinal direction.
Structural properties of internodes and node of bamboo All cells in internodes are strictly aligned in longitudinal direction, the transverse ray cells don t exist.
The crossing bar is one of the key parts of the bogie. It receives transverse direction, longitudinal direction and vertical load during the running of the vehicle.
An iterative algorithm is used to work out the vertical properties, including vertical stiffness, contact length and frictional force distribution in longitudinal direction.
The utility model can be hung on longitudinal direction and on the transverse direction or placed. The utility model has convenient use, beautiful appearance and simple structure.
No external loads are applied, and one of the extreme nodes in the bottom surface is considered to have zero displacement in the longitudinal direction, while the other is fully constrained.
Visual observations showed that a horizontal displacement in the longitudinal direction of the bridge developed between the tie girder and the top flange of the floor beam at the end connection.
By the Monte Carlo method, the changes of detector tallies in formation radial, longitudinal direction and space has been simulated for the formation of water saturated limestone with 20% porosity.
Longitudinal or seif dunes are dunes that are parallel to a strong wind that blows in one general direction.
The in-plane distortion, transverse shrinkage varying along width direction and longitudinal shrinkage varying along length direction of the plate bended by line heating was proposed.
Shield tunneling may cause not only the soil settlement, but also the longitudinal and transversal displacements in the respect to direction of shield advancing.
Shield tunneling may cause not only the soil settlement, but also the longitudinal and transversal displacements in the respect to direction of shield advancing.