One of the ways that I look at this is the financial risk of working for yourself instead of a big company.
If a big part of your job is reading raw XML documents, take a look at one of the XML editors I reviewed previously (see Resources).
But now look at this, cause it's the big one, more than half the people say their new job pays less than their old job.
One day you will look back at these times and in seeing the big picture realize how privileged you were to be present, to experience the transition to the higher dimensions.
Laughing at the funny quizzical look of the little creature, he said big boy reminded him of one of his Scottish ancestors.
Look at these sweaters. The quality is perfect. I kind of like the red one, but it's too big. Excuse me, does this sweater come in medium?
Brusselians claim it is the only place in the world, where one can look at such a big number of magnificent sites.
With the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games just one day away, let's take a look at the big names of the different National Olympic Committees. (NOC).
When you look at most big things that get done in the world, they're not done by one person, so you're going to need to build a team.
When you look at most big things that get done in the world, they're not done by one person, so you're going to need to build a team.