As his feet had outgrown even Father's shoes, his parents had to look up and down the streets for size-46 shoes.
Lie down and look straight up through the branches, and climb a tree to look down the path.
Lie down and look straight up through the branches; climb a tree to look down the path.
Animals arrived, liked the look of the place, took up their quarters, settled down, spread, and flourished.
Students still need to look up information in books and write it down when they do their homework, which doesn't take them too much time.
If they're going up and down, seam lines, designs in prints, stripes, trims, and garment silhouettes can all be slimming and make you look taller.
The mother and baby koalas decided to climb down from the tall eucalyptus trees to get a close-up look of the visitors to their home at the Koala Conservation Center in Phillip Island, Australia.
考拉妈妈和宝宝决定从高高的桉树上爬下来,走近看看到他们家——位于澳大利亚菲利普岛(Phillip Island)的考拉保护中心——做客的游客们。
‘Keep your chin down and look up through your eyelashes for a face-slimming look that enhances your cheekbones.’
Once you have a handle on what’s happening up and down the value chain of your industry, it’s time to look at what your competitors are doing.
For one day, you will look up and find it standing, staring you down, at the end of your bed.
Make a big show of using the expensive stuff then pick his up, look at it, and put it back down with a sigh.
But I started to think, I don't know if the future is bright, but that makes me curious to see what will happen, and things started to look up after I came down and got this job.
A closer look at their neighborhood reveals that they are not alone: Up and down the block, there are "For Sale" signs on the houses, and some neighbours have already had to move out.
Will users of the data mainly look at summarized data or require an interactive experience (drill up and down through the data)?
Other people stop at each new word and look it up in the dictionary, but this method can slow down your reading, affecting concentration and comprehension.
Hamlet's friends were anxious about him and came to look for him. They found Hamlet kneeling down and looking up at the dark sky praying to God.
Hamlet 's friends were anxious about him and came to look for him. They found Hamlet kneeling down and looking up at the dark sky praying to God.
There are ground-based robots, for example, designed to climb up and down piles of rubble and slither into otherwise inaccessible cracks to look for survivors.
If you were married, and settled down, and were so unfortunate as to have known Steelman in other days, he would, if in your neighbourhood and deadbeat, be sure to look you up.
And we didn't know whether we were going to be looking at history or not because when you look at a curve like that, an exponential curve going up can often just tilt over and crash back down again.
I would advise all up-and-coming photographers to slow down and look at the scene very carefully.
It involves waking up and having a the courage to look at the real reason you might be feeling down.
Finally I set the mig down and pulled up my mask to get a look at the sculpture.
Elijah picked up the child and carried him down from the room into the house. He gave him to his mother and said, "Look, your son is alive!"
Elijah picked up the child and carried him down from the room into the house. He gave him to his mother and said, 'Look, your son is alive!'
Elijah picked up the child and carried him down from the room into the house. He gave him to his mother and said, 'Look, your son is alive!'