My soul and Gods Angel and that I must love and adore you for all time…
Obviously, we all love and adore our great big lumpen teenagers but I certainly don’t love mine “unconditionally” (babies and toddlers are different; I’m talking about children).
You don't know how much I love you, how much I adore you, and how much I need you.
They both love social gatherings, and also adore romance and experiencing each other as lovers.
As usual, we always adore the sentimental love stories, like always and forever, sometimes they give us back the thing that had been beaten out of us, faith in those we love.
You just don't understand how much I adore you, appreciate you, admire you, trust you, respect you, and over all love you.
And as for love, pets adore their owners, to be sure - but not in the way that we love our own families.
We used to ignore who adore us, adore who ignore us, and hurt who love us.
I adore you my love and I'm counting the days until we can be lost together in our deep and caring love.
Let us bow in deep humility to adore God for this wonderful love, and ask for grace in very deed to yield ourselves to the denial and the death of self.
The Germans generally adore England and have suffered in the past from unrequited love.
The Germans generally adore England and have suffered in the past from unrequited love.